I like it OD! If you want to dress it up some, there are a number of free resources available for backgrounds and graphics. Try
Flumby's or
Valerie's. Of course this is personal preference. I also checked your html source and saw that you have not filled in any meta-tags. If you decide to go on any search engines, you will need these. They go at the top of your code between <head> and </head> and give the robots something to look for. If you're unfamiliar with this process, try going to
Scrub the Web.On the subject of search engines, Google is free to submit to. MSN and AOL offer free submission for non profit organizations but it takes a LONG time to get on there.
If you wondered how I checked your source, simply go to a web page, set your cursor anywhere but an image or a link, right click and go to "view source" and there it be!
I would also add
BaptistTop1000 to your site to give it a wider audience. Also, you can list it with
Church Angel which is an national directory. Make sure they get your URL! They jazz them up something fierce!
If you add a guestbook, make sure that it is from a Christian source! HTML Gear and Bravenet have some less than family oriented banners and pop-ups that could really embarass your church. I use
Free Christian Hosting.
Saggywoman once suggested to another member that their was nothing on the site for those seeking salvation, so right at the top I added the same
Sword of the Lord page that you find here on the BB.
If I think of more, I'll post more.
May God bless you
- Clint
Oh, yeah! my church website is at
Fork Union Baptist Church. Feel free to steal anything you wish! LOL