I have a personal friend who is a missionary in a fourth world country.
He has been there about ten years now.
Here is his response to my OP:
Hi Salty,
I'm no expert, but I'll share our experience here. I fully believe
that God heals, but having worked in a remote 3rd world health
ministry for almost a decade, we've not seen miraculous healings done
at the hand of anyone. Believe me, we pray for that ability to heal,
especially when we have cases of drug-resistant TB, meningitis,
mothers bleeding out after delivering babies, children who have fallen
into the river, and I could go on and on.
I do not doubt that God can and does do such things, but He hasn't
chosen to do so here. There are hucksters who come out here and claim
to have a gift to heal, but I NEVER see them tackle the cases our dear
nurses deal with. It's ALWAYS the hidden *illness* stuff, so you can't
prove a healing or not. I've also heard from our national preachers of
these kind of people praying for people's healing, and everyone
claiming it, and it having it seem like it works...only to have it
deteriorate/return within a day or two (maybe it was the power of
suggstion that worked there...).
It's a sensitive subject with us, because as we search the Word about
this, the Gospel and Acts accounts of healings were immediate,
effectual, and lasting. EVERY. TIME.
And the Apostle Paul couldn't get healed, nor could Trophimus, nor I'm
sure many others, because God's will and purposes far exceeded what
anyone could see. I have a crippled friend here who is a believer, but
with two useless legs he drags himself in and out of his hut in the
middle of the jungle. Those claiming to have power to heal haven't
helped him. Our nurses have treated his massive bed sores for years,
with much success. I have a young friend who has gone blind in both
eyes, and he lives in constant pain. We've flown him out of the jungle
twice to have surgery on his eyes, to no avail. Those claiming to have
power to heal don't even come near him, and we all know why.
If God chose to hear our prayers (which we do pray!) to heal these
two, and many others, we would praise the Lord with all our breath. We
have seen God answer prayer and heal impossible cases, right before
our eyes...but He doesn't do it all the time...therefore we hesitate
to say any of our team has the gift of healing.
It's easy to find people claiming instant healing among people living
in remote places, but proving the healing is another thing. Maybe God
is doing it, and if He is, I praise Him for it. But I'm not seeing it
here, though I see God's hand daily in what happens here, and I've
seen many come to faith it Christ THROUGH their sufferings, even when
they weren't delivered from the suffering.
Maybe we will see you next year. Pray for us.
NOTE: My missionary friend will be home on deputation next year.
It has been over 30 years since I have seen "Jim and Joan"
I have talked to them on the phone several times over the years -
It will be a blessing to see them in person next year.