December 20, 2005
In a blow to creationists today, the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court determined that the school district of Dover, PA was undermining biological science education by raising doubts about evolution and offering "intelligent design" as an alternative explanation for life's origins.
Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District was the first legal test for the intelligent design theory.
Intelligent design supporters maintain that Darwin's theory of natural selection can’t fully explain the complex origin of life and its diversity; a higher intelligence must have designed them.
Opponents of ID say the theory is only used as a wedge to introduce religion into the classroom and that it lacks scientific evidence.
December 20, 2005
In a blow to creationists today, the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court determined that the school district of Dover, PA was undermining biological science education by raising doubts about evolution and offering "intelligent design" as an alternative explanation for life's origins.
Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District was the first legal test for the intelligent design theory.
Intelligent design supporters maintain that Darwin's theory of natural selection can’t fully explain the complex origin of life and its diversity; a higher intelligence must have designed them.
Opponents of ID say the theory is only used as a wedge to introduce religion into the classroom and that it lacks scientific evidence.