I agree with #2 but I suspect my understanding of the sentence is vastly different than yours. When God credits a person's faith as righteousness, during their lifetime, and spiritually places them in Christ, that is their individual election for salvation, just as 2 Thessalonians 2:13 says.
The issue you have is directly dealing with verses 37 and 39 where below you avoid half of the statement. Read these words carefully and pay attention to sequence and order that they are translated in. "All the Father gives... Will come" The Father gives in accordance with His choosing of the sheep. Every single person who is given come to faith in Christ. That is why 6:44 explains this process. You cannot come unless you are given to Christ, and the Father does this by drawing the sheep in to the flock to believe in His Son. That is all the passage says here.
I disagree with 3, the Father's will was for Jesus to lay down His life as a ransom for all. Jesus became the propitiation for the whole world. Do not miss the sequence, Calvinism Christ dies for previously chosen individuals, Van's view Christ dies for all mankind and then those chosen during their lifetime "receive" the reconciliation provided by Christ's death.
The issue you have here is you do not want to pay attention to the text (These aren't words of attack so dont hear me with a cocky tone
That simply says all the Father has given the Son, the Son will lose none of it. You might ask none of what? His works, His power, His people? It is directly related to His sheep. He will lose none of the sheep God has elected for Him to ransom. I do not recommend reading outside of this right now, but rather see that Jesus will lose none of what the Father has given Him and they will believe and be raised on the final day.
In summary, I have found no passage of scripture that conflicts with this understanding of John 6:37 - (1) God draws people with the gospel message, (2) some of these hear (understand) the message and believe (having learned), (3) God gives those whose faith He credits as righteousness to Christ, (4) all those God gives in this matter are spiritually placed in Christ (arrive in Christ), and (5) everyone that comes to Jesus in this manner is saved forever.
Your number (2) conflicts because again the passage does not say "some" of hear and understand the message. Verses 37 and 39 describe that without a doubt ALL that the Father gives according to His will not be lost but rather saved and glorified. Verses 37 and 39 do not describe how the Father gives or how the people respond it simply and in general terms shows that the ones the Father elects WILL (ALL of them) will be saved. It even connects the ones who believe or "come to Me" are exactly the ones who the Father has given Jesus in verse 37.