Part 2
My Opinion and a Little on the End Times
Ok, this is my opinion: I believe the Catholic Church was infiltrated in the 1920’s-1950’s by communism (just like the effects of what is going on in our country right now. Sen. Joe McCarthy was right) and it’s main tool was Modernism. Communism is a branch of Freemasonry. In addition, through communism, the seminaries were infiltrated with homosexual seminarians. Probably McCarrick was one of them. All of this can be backed up.
Protestantism is not an alternative
Protestantism leads to apostasy and was really compromised when it was founded so it’s NOT an alternative. This is when the apostasy started. Heresy leads to apostasy. Ultimately, Protestantism leads to the Antichrist. You could say Protestantism, as a heretical movement, was divided again in the late 1800’s during the Third Great Awakening. This is when modernism rose up in the mainline protestant denominations. Besides all this there is absolutely NO unity of doctrine in protestantism. Using cause and effect I believe the Protestant Revolution of 1517 caused Communism in 1917.
Catholic Traditionalists like to say this about the present age in the church:
1517 Anticurch (Luther)
1717 Antistate (modern freemasonry founded)
1917 Antichrist (Communism)
The last step of this apostasy that started in 1517 (start of the 5th Age of the church - Fr. Holzhauser) is its entrance into the Catholic Church and it is called Modernism as I mentioned above. This is what I believe we are seeing in the Catholic Church now and it has reached the highest levels in the upper clergy. Modernism was condemned by Pope St. Pius X in 1907 but it went underground and resurfaced later. I don’t want to go too far into this and I may do a thread on it in the future. What does all this mean? It means we could be in the End Times. If I put a date on a major change in the Church in the near future, I would put it at 2029 and this date has to do with Fatima and ties into the Sacred Heart Devotion as well. There could be massive changes between now and then but by 2029 things will happen. Maybe a split? Fulfillment of Fatima? I may be very wrong on all this too! This is private prophecy and I may talk about it later. All the major private prophecies point to now as the end times. That’s what many think. I think so too but who knows? If enough people did more penance this timeline of the end times could be pushed back. As I said I think we are at the end of the Fifth Age of the church. The Era of Peace is the sixth Age and most think it’s very short (25-40 years). I think it could be short or long like around a thousand years but not an exact thousand years. Then comes the Final battle in the Seventh Age. Protestantism caused everything you are seeing right now in the country and the world and is filled with heresies so there should be no gloating over the Catholic Church having problems. You should be concerned. The Catholic Church is holding back the Antichrist (2 Thess 2:6). The heresies of Modernism entering the Catholic Church is simply just the last step towards the end.
Recommended Books
The Book of Destiny by Fr Herman Bernard Kramer (pub 1955)
The Apocalypse of St. John by Fr Sylvester Berry (pub 1921)
These two books have had the most influence on me concerning prophecy. Especially Fr Kramer’s book. Fr Kramer’s book was republished by Tan Books in recent years but it’s on the internet free. Both of them are. Generally I base some of this post on them. These books passed the censors of the Catholic Chuch including the 1944 censor concerning the thousand year reign. I may do a thread on them soon.
Some may disagree with me here but I contend that Baptists are not Protestants. The history of my Christian faith has nothing to do with any Catholic institutions and existed before Catholics. We Baptists never protested the sins of that church because we existed (with our beliefs) prior to you Catholics, calvinists, Lutherans, and all Reformers.