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My understanding (to generate light not heat)
D. Irresistible Grace
(1) Efficacious Grace or Calling meaning irresistible for the elect of course the non elect do resist this grace.
*Distinguished from the General Calling out to all people to respond to the gospel (A declaration of the plan of salvation, where the Holy Spirit does its work to convict the world for sin).
Biblically defined total depravity means men left to themselves because dead in sins will not respond to God, on his own he will never seek God. Therefore God initiated by unconditional election, from the foundation of the world (even before), from the mass of humanity under condemnation because of their depravity he chose to save some and then thru the Messiah he provided salvation for all. But now he must do something to get the elect to respond. So what irresistible grace results in is a divine enabling to respond to the gospel. And so by special divine enabling of the elect they are able to exercise the faith they need to receive the free gift of salvation.
*The difference between the strict-Calvinist and the hyper-Calvinist is they would say we’re not dealing with divine enabling but God must regenerate the person first and then give him the gift of faith. Never in scripture is saving faith the gift, the verse they use is Ep 2:8-9 but they must violate the rules of Greek grammar which is grammatically an impossible interpretation It is the salvation that is the gift. So if we keep it in a moderate biblical format irresistible grace by this means God gives a divine enabling in order for the elect to respond. Without this divine enabling their sin would keep them from responding or even having a desire to respond. Jn 1:13 the will of man does not initiate this, but will of God. Jn 6:37 (no room for any maybes) Acts 13:48.
All three
Acts 16:14 (General Call who heard) (Efficacious Call God opened her heart ) (The Belief she gave heed)
Rom 8:28-30 those that were preordained they will receive this divine call they will respond to.
Rom 9:16 it’s by the mercy of God they are given this divine enabling to respond it wouldn’t come from their own fallen will.
Cor 1:9, 23-24, Gal 1:15, Phil 2:13 Thess 2:14, 5:24, 2 Tim 1:9, Heb 3:1, Pet 2:9, so God’s response to the problem of total depravity is not as the strict/hyper Calvinist where God forces salvation on the elect. Rather he gives divine enabling to the elect so that they are able to exercise the will and the grace of God is such they will always respond correctly.
D. Irresistible Grace
(1) Efficacious Grace or Calling meaning irresistible for the elect of course the non elect do resist this grace.
*Distinguished from the General Calling out to all people to respond to the gospel (A declaration of the plan of salvation, where the Holy Spirit does its work to convict the world for sin).
Biblically defined total depravity means men left to themselves because dead in sins will not respond to God, on his own he will never seek God. Therefore God initiated by unconditional election, from the foundation of the world (even before), from the mass of humanity under condemnation because of their depravity he chose to save some and then thru the Messiah he provided salvation for all. But now he must do something to get the elect to respond. So what irresistible grace results in is a divine enabling to respond to the gospel. And so by special divine enabling of the elect they are able to exercise the faith they need to receive the free gift of salvation.
*The difference between the strict-Calvinist and the hyper-Calvinist is they would say we’re not dealing with divine enabling but God must regenerate the person first and then give him the gift of faith. Never in scripture is saving faith the gift, the verse they use is Ep 2:8-9 but they must violate the rules of Greek grammar which is grammatically an impossible interpretation It is the salvation that is the gift. So if we keep it in a moderate biblical format irresistible grace by this means God gives a divine enabling in order for the elect to respond. Without this divine enabling their sin would keep them from responding or even having a desire to respond. Jn 1:13 the will of man does not initiate this, but will of God. Jn 6:37 (no room for any maybes) Acts 13:48.
All three
Acts 16:14 (General Call who heard) (Efficacious Call God opened her heart ) (The Belief she gave heed)
Rom 8:28-30 those that were preordained they will receive this divine call they will respond to.
Rom 9:16 it’s by the mercy of God they are given this divine enabling to respond it wouldn’t come from their own fallen will.
Cor 1:9, 23-24, Gal 1:15, Phil 2:13 Thess 2:14, 5:24, 2 Tim 1:9, Heb 3:1, Pet 2:9, so God’s response to the problem of total depravity is not as the strict/hyper Calvinist where God forces salvation on the elect. Rather he gives divine enabling to the elect so that they are able to exercise the will and the grace of God is such they will always respond correctly.