After all that?... The unregenerate sinner cannot come to God unless the Holy Spirit changes him, he is as dead, as the one in the cemetery... He is not playing possum, HE IS DEAD!...
Tynedale1946, you are defending Reformed dogma, not God. You are describing physical death. When someone dies like you are describing, the soul and the body are separated. It is the body that can no longer reason and know, not the soul that lived in it. The rich man in hell in LK 16 still had intellect, reason, and will when he went to hell. To claim that men cannot believe the gospel of Christ when they hear it will get the men who preach it to hell. A soul can be separated from the body even without ever sinning. This often happens when a very young child dies. The soul that sinneth, it shall die according God. Sin is the transgression of the law. If there is no law there is no transgression, so says God.
Well, what does it mean to be dead spiritually? It is not what you say. It is a separation of God from the sinner. What is spiritual life that God gives. It is reconciliation. It is the indwelling Spirit, who IS life. So lets narrow this down. Dead in sins = no God present in the body. Alive in Christ = the Spirit of Christ indwelling the physical body.
If God could have been reconcile to man and indwelt him and quickened him in the OT then Jesus Christ died in vain.God has some other way for washing away sin.
The gospel you preach as reformed believer is a false gospel. It will not save anyone but it will keep some from being saved.
. Your position confuses so, so, many issues.
I know you are not going to like me for saying these things but I want you to know I am not attacking you, i don't know you. My remarks are aimed at the system of TULIP.
The Spirit quickens a man who hears the gospel of Christ and believes it in his heart. That is the simplicity of the gospel. All these things that Reformed doctrine adds to salvation is anathema to God.
13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
The blessing of Abraham is the Spirit of Life according to the above. There is not a reformed believer alive today who believes that as written.
When we all get to Heaven we are not going to be singing the old Frank Sinatra favorite... I Did It My Way!... We are going to be singing "JESUS PAID IT ALL"... ALL TO HIM I OWE!... 100%... Excuse me from this conversation... Argue with those who want to, ME!... I've heard it all before... Brother Glen
Why do you think that believing God when we hear the gospel is "doing it my way?" Why couldn't Jesus have paid it all even if we believed it? I don't get the reasoning.