I admit that my level of concentration is compromised somewhat by things considered minor by others. Some people can focus better than I.
On Sunday I was distracted by a woman two rows behind mine. She was zipping something up and then reversed the process. She crinkled what sounded like a candy wrapper. She sipped on something and then crunched on something else. She turned through her Bible in a noisy fashion.I mean WOW! She kept turning pages so loudly Roger Williams didn't make half the racket with his Autumn Leaves.( There's a joke there somewhere -- be a detective).
The next thing didn't happen last Sunday. But it occurs too often. After the long worship service (because of translation) we have an afternoon Bible study.When that is over we split up into groups of 3,4 or 5 same gendered people for prayer. Invariably certain guys finish earlier than the folks in my group do.But these 'certain guys' talk and laugh loudly just 6 feet away! I have endured that on so many occasions. Isn't there the slightest bit of common sense and courtesy for folks to keep their voices down when others are praying so close to you? I guess not.When I asked the offenders to please lower their voices or move farthur away because we were praying I got a "So pray." for a reply.
What bugs you in the assembly?
On Sunday I was distracted by a woman two rows behind mine. She was zipping something up and then reversed the process. She crinkled what sounded like a candy wrapper. She sipped on something and then crunched on something else. She turned through her Bible in a noisy fashion.I mean WOW! She kept turning pages so loudly Roger Williams didn't make half the racket with his Autumn Leaves.( There's a joke there somewhere -- be a detective).
The next thing didn't happen last Sunday. But it occurs too often. After the long worship service (because of translation) we have an afternoon Bible study.When that is over we split up into groups of 3,4 or 5 same gendered people for prayer. Invariably certain guys finish earlier than the folks in my group do.But these 'certain guys' talk and laugh loudly just 6 feet away! I have endured that on so many occasions. Isn't there the slightest bit of common sense and courtesy for folks to keep their voices down when others are praying so close to you? I guess not.When I asked the offenders to please lower their voices or move farthur away because we were praying I got a "So pray." for a reply.
What bugs you in the assembly?