Why go at all? Just stay home and do what you would rather do instead?
That's rather mean and doesn't add anything constructive to the topic.
Original poster - It really depends on the person. We're all different in many aspect and feeling like your service is long does not take away from who you are as a Christian.
Our Church service is long as well (haven't been in a few years - Sunday's are on of my only study days for college), anyways ours starts at 9:30 and ends at 11:30 am.
9:30-9:40 Announcements.
9:40-10:00 Worship (this can run over an extra 10 minutes).
10:00-11:00 Sermon (this is known for ending either 10 minutes early or running 15 over).
Personally, I have a hard time staying awake. The lighting does not help, and I am the one who gets up with the kids most nights and in the mornings while wife sleeps in. Usually fall asleep during sermon and feel really bad. Its not the sermon, it is usually amazing! Just everything else, plus that darn lighting.