Post-it is refusing facts, statistics, common sense, biology, and the Bible.
When this happens, and someone is defending something against all odds, God's or man's, there is something else going on. I suspected in the beginning that Post-it was responsible for or involved in an abortion at some time and that the guilt must be overwhelming.
If I am right about this, it's time to quit this discussion because only God can deal with that and ONLY Post-it can take it to God to deal with.
There is something highly irratonal going on which is overriding all common sense and Bible and everything else here for him. I have been stunned at his refusal to even reconsider the issue in light of what we know about the unborn (and brain waves do, indeed, start extremely early -- not far, as I recall, into the first trimester).
Simple common sense says that if you are going to err, err on the side of life, not death for a person.
My suggestion is, then, to let this issue drop. As a matter of simple information, however, I do not think that there are more than a dozen 'coat hangar' abortions known to have taken place, and I believe all but one were self-inflicted -- women or teens trying to do it themselves. This is terribly sad, but certainly not worth the lives of over a million babies a year...and each of those babies a gift from God, who is in charge of life.
No, God is not surprised by abortion. He knew about each before it happened, of course. And I think one reason He has allowed us this and so much else is so that the human race might be appraised and shocked at how evil evil can be. And how it can be rationalized by people in a bind or simply having that desire for evil.
What is scary to me is the types of rationalization tht are used, such as post-it's lung thing. There is nothing even rational about that. But he clings to it. That is scary.
I still have an original copy of the book "Silent Scream". That baby fought to live; struggled against his own abortion.
Post-it, all I can do now that I have presented, with some elements of anger and emotion true (you see, all six of my children were 'supposed' to be aborted), Biblical, biological, statistical, and other factual information to you is leave you in God's hands.
But sometimes that, also, is a scary place to be.
"Come, let us reason together," says the Lord,
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the best from the land;
but if you resist and rebel,
you will be devoured by the sword."
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
Isaiah 1:18-20