The Boston bombing; shchool shootings and stabbings; riots at universities; riots at public events; pot approved in states for tax revenue purposes; murders; home invasions; the "Knock out game"; hit and run killings and injuries on the rise; corrption in public offices; greed amongst the big companies; secret service agents and growing scandals; morals of leaders punging below the lowest necklines; racism on the rise; drug cartals; gangs; serial freeway shootings; parents killing children; children kiling parents; children killing chidren; new kind of drugs; division amongst all people in this country; religious freedoms being taken away; inflation wipes out the middleclass; unemployment rising; underemployed at all time highs; jobs ship out of country; division over how to handle illegal immigrant problem; Obamacare forced upon the people; growth in the entitled; gay rights; gay marriages; undocumented immigrants [fancy term for illegal] get drivers licenses; physical altercations at city council meetings and higher offices too; a president that is out of control, siging things into law, that once needed the approval of gongress; build up of ploice force to act at a military unit; government sticking it's nose in more and more of what was once private business; overloaded jails and courts; prison releases due to overcrowding; vandalism and destruction of both public and private property; home invasions; robberies on the rise; shooting police; killings at military bases; rape and sexual harrassment at military bases; easy access of porn on cyber space; cyber scams and stealing one personal identities; murder suicides of families; child abuse on the rise; county, state and federal agencies in place to enforce laws, are forbidden to enforce laws because of the need to be more tolerant, politically correct or diverse.
I could go on, and in fact, INVITE you to add to the list of things going on in America at alarming rates. Rates that single anarchy is aproaching at a fast clip!
You tell me, is America on a downward spiral that is beyond being saved? Have we gone so far down the road that getting back is next to impossible! Do you fear for your children and grandchildren? Do you fear for your financial future? Are you disgusted with our public leaders unwillingness to get along and represent the people rahter then their own interests?
Can this be a sign that America is truly close to second or third world status?
All these questions and more, can be and should be discussed, and I invite you to share your thoughts -GOOD or BAD - and what you see as the end game to all this chaos and growing anarchy!
I could go on, and in fact, INVITE you to add to the list of things going on in America at alarming rates. Rates that single anarchy is aproaching at a fast clip!
You tell me, is America on a downward spiral that is beyond being saved? Have we gone so far down the road that getting back is next to impossible! Do you fear for your children and grandchildren? Do you fear for your financial future? Are you disgusted with our public leaders unwillingness to get along and represent the people rahter then their own interests?
Can this be a sign that America is truly close to second or third world status?
All these questions and more, can be and should be discussed, and I invite you to share your thoughts -GOOD or BAD - and what you see as the end game to all this chaos and growing anarchy!