That's the whole point of this thread.
The critique of Andy Stanley that was aired on this thread is he did not demand that his hearers accept the virgin birth in order to hear the rest of the gospel story.
You wrote, "What say you? Is Andy Stanley weakening the Virgin Birth? Is he denying it?"
The answer is NO. He is not "weakening" it more than any most New Testament writers and the preachers of all recorded New Testament sermons.
NO. Giving your hearers space to think about something is not denying it.
As a personal note, when I, as an agnostic, was making my way through the scriptures that eventually led to a renewed faith in Christ, I struggled over the virgin birth since a lot of atheistic writers expended an enormous amount of ink on the issue. THEY made it a fundamental issue of faith, where you could not even take the teaching of Jesus seriously, much less consider the resurrection, until you either affirmed or rejected the virgin birth.
It was an effective strategy, since it flies in the face of common sense and experience for an adult, unless you are already predisposed to accept the rest of the gospel. I finally set it aside as something I would have to come back to later, once I decided whether or not Jesus was a worthy teacher, since the circumstances of one's birth do not have any bearing on whether or not one is telling the truth. It was much later when I had accepted the resurrection as valid and the teachings of Jesus as truth, that I returned to the virgin birth knew that it was true and could see it in its proper importance.
So when Andy Stanley speaks to his audience and acknowledges that the virgin birth is a difficult thing to understand - and it is not the highest priority - it speaks directly to someone like me.
I get it.
Maybe you believe the virgin birth because it was taught to you as a child and you have managed to retain that belief - good for you. But those of us who had to reckon with it as an adult have a more difficult path. We come at things more skeptically and with life knowledge that must not be dismissed without wrestling through the issues.