Again, no mainstream Calvinist, i.e. 99.9% of them, would ever say that God is the Author of evil.
But then you quote Scripture and seem to oppose it. Don't you believe that objects of wrath have been fitted for destruction? Romans 9:22 is part of Holy Writ. Whether you like it or not it is the truthful testimony of God. That passage in no no way, shape or form attributes anything evil to God.
How can you preach to people when you pervert the Word of God? All people deserve the wrath of God. Some are recipients of his mercy and others are the recipients of His wrath as Ro.9:22 says. You need to accept the Scripture. Do not oppose it.
Not only did Jesus die for those among the Jews, but those from among the Gentiles as well. The children of God scattered around the world is who He laid down His life for --from every tribe, language, people and nation. Jesus was slain. With His blood He purchased them. See Rev. 5:9,Heb.2:17, Acts 20:28,Eph.5:25,Jn. 10:11,15,Jn.11:51,52 for confirmation.
Of course they deserve eternal condemnation --everyone does. But out of His pure mercy He chose a remnant --the "objects of His mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory, even us, whom he also called, not only from among the Jews but also from among the Gentiles." (Ro.9:23b,24)
"Calvinism does not teach anything arbitrary or capricious about God's election, no matter what some loud mouths might continually repeat." (Pastor Larry)
You need to note what is below.
Who who has ever given given to God, that God should repay them?
For from him and through him and for him are all things.
To him be the glory for ever! Amen. (Romans 11:35,36 NIV)