No, "Bigfoot" ain't real. How could, among all this searching and hoaxing and begging to be believed over so many years, have failed to turn up one such creature? I've seen a few of those Searching for Bigfoot shows (usually just parts of them, as I can't stand such nonsense for very long), and they go to some out-of-the-way place and have a meeting, and ask for a show of hands as to who has 'seen one,' and usually it's 80 or 90 percent of those present :laugh: .
The time comes to either show up or shut up! It was the same thing a couple of months ago with the 50th of the JFK assassination. Nothing could be discussed anywhere without going to "It was the CIA...." "It was LBJ...." "It was Hoover..." and dozens or hundreds more.
The unprovable is fascinating. But no one lives in a dream world without wanting to.
The time comes to either show up or shut up! It was the same thing a couple of months ago with the 50th of the JFK assassination. Nothing could be discussed anywhere without going to "It was the CIA...." "It was LBJ...." "It was Hoover..." and dozens or hundreds more.
The unprovable is fascinating. But no one lives in a dream world without wanting to.