No Calvinist on this board will adress the clearly defined and valid argument you pose here.....It will be ignored, and no one will respond to it:
Instead, they will call you a "plagiarizer" or, like many are doing.........
they will ignore the argument you post and falsely accuse the brethren of "blasphemy" as P4T and Icon and Herald have all done.
P4T, Iconoclast, and Heral, have all "Borne false witness" against a brother and falsely accused you of "blasphemy"........... they will ANSWER before God for those idle words one day.
Iconoclast is a false accuser of the brethren by bearing false witness in a charge of "blasphemy"
Preacher4Truth is a false accuser of the brethren by also bearing false witness in a charge of "blasphemy"
Herald is a false accuser of the brethren by bearing false witness in a charge of "blasphemy".
All three refuse to repent of their misdeeds and idle words.
they have NOT accused the 'DR" of anything that he has not been caught doing!
And do you really think the Non Cals are even more rigid and fixed in their ways, like van when he keeps hammering on cal straw men, just as the DR likes to do here?