You misinterpreted my intent. It wasn't an admission that you have properly represented mainstream views...I know too many mainstream Calvinists who have told me its obvious to any casual non-biased observer that you are not careful with your terms and explanations regarding these matter, but I'm tired of going over it again and again. BTW...since when did we all vote to make Ware the arbitrator of the mainstream views? Some would call Pink representative of mainstream views, but MacArthur takes issue with his views. Is Ware more in line with Pink or MacArthur? I can't tell based on that one clip.You or somebody closed the other thread right after you made your last post- whether it was so you could have the last word or not, I do not know- I typed this statement and tried to submit it only to find out that it was closed before I could respond to your last statement.
It fits here so here it is:
Well, at least you have abandoned that tired old erroneous argument that me saying "God DID IT" puts me out of the mainstream of Calvinism.
Bruce Ware reresents the mainstream ON THIS ISSUE- he is CERTAINLY not to the RIGHT of MOST of us.
And he says EXACTLY what I and Calvin and Edwards and Piper and Sproul and Pink, etc.... say about it.
Now that you've come to terms with the fact that I am in the mainstream and that you did not really know this whole time what the mainstream of Calvinism says now and historically- now we can have some fruitful exchanges.
Ask me what you will- I will answer it to the best of my ability.
So, let's move on. I specifically addressed Ware's points...will you?