They are fruity.Look, gays can 'produce' fruit, but is it good?
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They are fruity.Look, gays can 'produce' fruit, but is it good?
They are fruity.
I didn't put a smiley-face to my post. But it was made in jest.
Look, gays can 'produce' fruit, but is it good? They feed the hungry. They clothe the poor. They even witness to people, as many gays are 'members' of churches. Look at the 'United Church of Christ', some methodist churches, and I am thinking some liberal Presbyterian churches have gays in their ranks. So, I am sure they do many of the same things the two men you mentioned did prior to turning their backs on their church. But they are deceived, being still in their sins. What we call good and what God calls good are not even in the same area code I am afraid.
People think that just because someone produces fruit(which is either good or evil), they are saved. I am sure to the other 11, Judas looked like a pretty good disciple. But God knows all peoples' hearts, whether it is stone or flesh. 'rev'mwc used two men as scenarios as in time of troubles, they turned and left. Insert gays into those scenarios. I am sure many gays who are members of a local 'church' do the same things they did. But that is no guarantee they are saved. Feeding the hungry, giving clothes to the needy, donating to charities, witnessing to the lost, are most noble causes. But as I stated, gays do this. They are not saved.
Let's go through your post and see what you said word for word. (#211)You did not quote me word for word. I clearly STATED THOSE WHO DO NOT GO INTO HEAVEN are judged by their works, or lack of works done in the body as scripture declares.
The unsaved would have to be sinless ly perfect to "earn or merit heaven" is impossible in that ALL SINNED in Adam, and all sin by experience.
I have posted this for years.
For you to suggest otherwise is sinful.
You are without excuse.
Christians believe in a salvation that works...the good works of the elect are ordained of God.
We work out our salvation, we do not work for it.phil2
Uncalled for. It doesn't address any of the points made in the previous post.This is one of your worst posts yet...this is really should delete this before anyone see's it. I will not tell them you posted this
Someone is BADLY CONFUSED.....and I know who it is
This lame attempt to avoid your posted error is not going to fly..
Paul was dealing with this one fornicator, and then by way of instruction and application we are taught how to deal with others in the same situation.
This was not the situation in 1 cor 5.....the person was described by Paul as "that wicked person"
But you are wrong. Actually you seem to be contradicting yourself. The point is obvious. The world is full of fornicators. Jesus talked with two of them. To avoid such people you would have to be taken out of the world (rapturedAnother verse you completely miss.....he is saying you cannot avoid being around fornicators as long as we live in the sin cursed he is telling them that is not what he is talking about
Those who do not enter heaven are denied based on their works...or lack of works done in the body....if you knew the scriptures you would not post such a foolish and contra biblical thought.....that is why I am forced to oppose you so often....
2 Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
You then quoted the rest of Romans 2:2-11, and followed up with 25:51-45.
You concluded that thought with this personal attack
You should not be teaching anyone with so much error in your thoughts
When if fact you had just presented a gospel based on works.
Icon, salvation is not by works as you have just presented.
Sinners do NOT walk after the flesh but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1 firmly attests to that biblical truth 'rev'mwc. We do, however, live in the flesh. That is exactly the same thought Paul was expressing in Romans 7. By your words, it could be saying Paul was a carnal christian. I am NOT saying you said that, by using your logic, it could get expressed that way.
Christians live in the flesh, but after the Spirit. That is why we sin. But when we sin, in comes Hebrews 12 where God chastens who? Those who He loves. Who does He love? Those who are in Christ, who are in the Spirit, not in the flesh.
Sinners walk in and after the flesh and when they sin, they are not chastened by God. God does not love those outside the covenant of Christ's effacacious works of the cross. Now, before you say I am wishy-washy and say that God changes from hating us to loving us after being saved, please let me clarify. God could see us rejoicing in heaven before He said 'Let there be Light.' ~2,000 years ago, John saw us there, too. The bible also says those that love Him are born of Him, affirmed by 'we love Him because He first loved us.' Why He chose some and not others is only privy to Him. He expressed that love in the God-man, who came and lived a sinless life, never sinned once, met every command the Law commanded, died as 'a ransom for many', satiated God's wrath, and ascended to the Father. God saw us, even we were sinners, in Christ. The Lamb was slain from the creation of the world. The payment occured in time, yet He was slain from the creation of the world.
Sorry about the tangent, but I wanted to clarify my belief. That tangent will cost you extra. I will PM you my address and you can mail me a cashier's check.![]()
Just kidding.
Now one more example:
A church member (probably believer) by confession of mouth a believer, serves God for years. Has the gift of teaching children. But falls and begins to live in sin. You can see the chastening of the Lord in their lives but they refuse to return and serve God. Then cancer comes and the destruction of their body takes place and they pass away.
Were they saved or lost?
So if a church member who has turned from serving The Lord begins to have financial problems due to seeking worldly treasure, while not giving a portion to God, would you call that bad luck, bad decision making or chastisement from God?Why ask me? I am not God. How is the chastening of the Lord obvious? Are you with them night and day? I am not being snarky, but too many absolutes here you are expressing when none really know. People have the gall to know God has a sinner under conviction, where that is a guess, and not absolute. Let me explain. My mom and dad would go to church off and on for years. One time they went when one of my sisters was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Swarm. She was in a field hospital in Rihad, right in the midst of it. One of the preachers was preaching that day and at the end of his sermon, he mentioned having someone(I am thinking son) over there. Well, mom lost it and started bawling. Now, some would jump at that and miscontrue her grief as conviction when it was her worrying about her daughter. So, we can not know when someone is under true conviction, though they popishly declare them under conviction.
Now to your scenario. Grace is not a one time 'shot/innoculation' one gets. Nay, but rather, it is a life sustaining grace one is given. Were are saved and kept by grace. If one falls into sin and shows no signs of repentance, you best be wary of them. When we sin, in comes the Spirit of God to chasten us. We repent and move on. Look, christians sin. A picture of our life took at one moment in our life would cause us to be put to shame. But is that picture indictive of our life en toto? No. If a person is saved as a gay and they go back to that lifestyle and shows no repentance, are they lost, I mean flat out lost bound for hell, or a carnal christian? The drug addict that is saved and then resorts to their previous lifestyle of smoking crack, shooting up herione, smoking meth, drinking themself into stupors, are they lost or carnal christians? It is the latter and not former.
The word christian means Christ-like. Is the crack house residing, herione shooting, alcoholic, meth smoking, and living the gay life Christ-like? Oh no!!
Why ask me? I am not God. How is the chastening of the Lord obvious? Are you with them night and day? I am not being snarky, but too many absolutes here you are expressing when none really know. People have the gall to know God has a sinner under conviction, where that is a guess, and not absolute. Let me explain. My mom and dad would go to church off and on for years. One time they went when one of my sisters was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Swarm. She was in a field hospital in Rihad, right in the midst of it. One of the preachers was preaching that day and at the end of his sermon, he mentioned having someone(I am thinking son) over there. Well, mom lost it and started bawling. Now, some would jump at that and miscontrue her grief as conviction when it was her worrying about her daughter. So, we can not know when someone is under true conviction, though they popishly declare them under conviction.
Now to your scenario. Grace is not a one time 'shot/innoculation' one gets. Nay, but rather, it is a life sustaining grace one is given. Were are saved and kept by grace. If one falls into sin and shows no signs of repentance, you best be wary of them. When we sin, in comes the Spirit of God to chasten us. We repent and move on. Look, christians sin. A picture of our life took at one moment in our life would cause us to be put to shame. But is that picture indictive of our life en toto? No. If a person is saved as a gay and they go back to that lifestyle and shows no repentance, are they lost, I mean flat out lost bound for hell, or a carnal christian? The drug addict that is saved and then resorts to their previous lifestyle of smoking crack, shooting up herione, smoking meth, drinking themself into stupors, are they lost or carnal christians? It is the latter and not former.
The word christian means Christ-like. Is the crack house residing, herione shooting, alcoholic, meth smoking, and living the gay life Christ-like? Oh no!!
Let's stop your sentence there, in the middle, and continue it in this way:Why ask me? I am not God. How is the chastening of the Lord obvious? Are you with them night and day? I am not being snarky, but too many absolutes here you are expressing when none really know. People have the gall to know God has a sinner under conviction, where that is a guess, and not absolute. Let me explain. My mom and dad would go to church off and on for years. One time they went when one of my sisters was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Swarm. She was in a field hospital in Rihad, right in the midst of it. One of the preachers was preaching that day and at the end of his sermon, he mentioned having someone(I am thinking son) over there. Well, mom lost it and started bawling. Now, some would jump at that and miscontrue her grief as conviction when it was her worrying about her daughter. So, we can not know when someone is under true conviction, though they popishly declare them under conviction.
Now to your scenario. Grace is not a one time 'shot/innoculation' one gets. Nay, but rather, it is a life sustaining grace one is given. Were are saved and kept by grace. If one falls into sin and shows no signs of repentance,
. (#211)Let's go through your post and see what you said word for word
...Post a response to your post is it really "starting off"...or responding to the nature of your post?You start off with a malicious attack:
You are mixing up the context of disciplining a member who is in sin,
That is not established in this passage at all
with scripture speaking of an entirely different topic.
not fact it is you who go to John 4 completely unrelated to this situation.
No wonder you are so confused. Keep things in context.
As I is you who says I am..."so"...and taking things out of context.
Now I am to believe that this is not an attack, or in anyway malicious???
So I answer you this way;
This is one of your worst posts yet...this is really should delete this before anyone see's it. I will not tell them you posted thisSomeone is BADLY CONFUSED.....and I know who it is
So when I say...someone is badly confused....and you use the same word...saying I am so is malicious for me to say what you already said????
I see how you think that works!
Uncalled for. It doesn't address any of the points made in the previous post.--It is easy to misuse scripture as you have done
I responded to what you offered.....if you do not like it, then stop offering your attacks, snide remarks, and suggesting we follow heretics, and cults
I said:
You said this;
It just too bad your view of of this as you call wicked doctrine was taught by Calvin, Henry and John Gill and they attributed it to the apostle Paul.Look 'rev'mwc, I am done. I quit trying to chase your tail. If you believe christians can live worldly, you have every right to believe that. If I was not worried about lost people possibly reading posts on here, I would not say a word. Churches are infested with carnality because of this wicked doctrine. I give the opposing view to let the reader decide. Adieu.
Why ask me? I am not God. How is the chastening of the Lord obvious? Are you with them night and day? I am not being snarky, but too many absolutes here you are expressing when none really know. People have the gall to know God has a sinner under conviction, where that is a guess, and not absolute. Let me explain. My mom and dad would go to church off and on for years. One time they went when one of my sisters was in Saudi Arabia during Desert Swarm. She was in a field hospital in Rihad, right in the midst of it. One of the preachers was preaching that day and at the end of his sermon, he mentioned having someone(I am thinking son) over there. Well, mom lost it and started bawling. Now, some would jump at that and miscontrue her grief as conviction when it was her worrying about her daughter. So, we can not know when someone is under true conviction, though they popishly declare them under conviction.
Now to your scenario. Grace is not a one time 'shot/innoculation' one gets. Nay, but rather, it is a life sustaining grace one is given. Were are saved and kept by grace. If one falls into sin and shows no signs of repentance, you best be wary of them. When we sin, in comes the Spirit of God to chasten us. We repent and move on. Look, christians sin. A picture of our life took at one moment in our life would cause us to be put to shame. But is that picture indictive of our life en toto? No. If a person is saved as a gay and they go back to that lifestyle and shows no repentance, are they lost, I mean flat out lost bound for hell, or a carnal christian? The drug addict that is saved and then resorts to their previous lifestyle of smoking crack, shooting up herione, smoking meth, drinking themself into stupors, are they lost or carnal christians? It is the latter and not former.
The word christian means Christ-like. Is the crack house residing, herione shooting, alcoholic, meth smoking, and living the gay life Christ-like? Oh no!!