In the digital age, copyright infringement has been a bigger problem than ever before, especially in the first half of the last decade.
Many people argued that downloading music illegally was just as bad as stealing a CD.
Others argued that it was no big deal at all and that calling it theft was absurd.
I myself had a hard time thinking of it as being as bad as actual theft, yet I do consider pirated software, music etc to be wrong.
R.C. Sproul has a video where he talks about degrees of sin and it in he talks about hating your brother, lusting in your heart etc.
He points out that in both cases, the Bible is not saying that the sin in the heart is equal to the actual sin. However, the law against murder can be violated in lesser ways than actually killing someone.
We all recognize attempted murder for instance, yet that person is not tried the same as one who actually commits murder.
So, back to copyright issues, it finally made sense to me when I realized that in much the same way, this is a lesser violation of the laws against theft.
So, is downloading an MP3 from the internet illegally the same as walking into Best Buy and stealing a CD? No. Does it still violate God's greater law against theft?
I think it does.
Many people argued that downloading music illegally was just as bad as stealing a CD.
Others argued that it was no big deal at all and that calling it theft was absurd.
I myself had a hard time thinking of it as being as bad as actual theft, yet I do consider pirated software, music etc to be wrong.
R.C. Sproul has a video where he talks about degrees of sin and it in he talks about hating your brother, lusting in your heart etc.
He points out that in both cases, the Bible is not saying that the sin in the heart is equal to the actual sin. However, the law against murder can be violated in lesser ways than actually killing someone.
We all recognize attempted murder for instance, yet that person is not tried the same as one who actually commits murder.
So, back to copyright issues, it finally made sense to me when I realized that in much the same way, this is a lesser violation of the laws against theft.
So, is downloading an MP3 from the internet illegally the same as walking into Best Buy and stealing a CD? No. Does it still violate God's greater law against theft?
I think it does.