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Is Divorce a Sin?

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by AdoptedDaughter, May 20, 2003.

  1. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    We can forgive and forgive, but those who live in sin must take steps as well...

    For those who were saved, divorced, and remarried, the only way that they can remain out of sin in the marital area to for them to abstain. Otherwise they will be living in adultery as long as they don't abstain.
  2. wizofoz

    wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    You don't know how good I feel now, knowing I have been forgiven by the great and holy YOU, without even asking!! Now I no longer have to hide my head in shame.

    Adopted Daughter:
    By your reasoning, I am and will continue to be an adulterer for as long as my ex wife lives (or whichever one of us dies first). So I should leave my church in disgrace, since I will continue in this sin. I see no forgiveness in my future.

    Sheesh, people, I feel so inferior now.
  3. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    You are not in adultery if you abstain. Read the bible, it's right in there. I've provided it earlier in the thread
  4. wizofoz

    wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    Maybe I'll stop breathing, too. And eating.
    That's your take on it. I don't see that.
  5. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    Maybe I'll stop breathing, too. And eating.
    That's your take on it. I don't see that.
    </font>[/QUOTE]That's taking it a bit far, isn't it? It was your choice to remarry (which biblically is a sin), so if you are truly repentant, it must be your choice to abstain....you've been given a choice, it's your job to choose.
  6. RomOne16

    RomOne16 New Member

    Jun 28, 2002
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    So A/D, is the second marriage a marriage or not? If it is, then one can't biblically abstain from the marital obligations because that would be a sin. So what's a "scarlet D" to do? :rolleyes:
  7. Istherenotacause

    Istherenotacause New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    O.K. Romulan One 1/16,

    I edited my post, I hadn't realized I came across to you the wrong way. You little rascal, you.

    You know exactly how I meant it, anmd watch the warm and fuzzy stuff, some body's liable to mistake you for stuffing and put you in a teddy bear.
  8. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    You are supposed to abstain...if you want to remain in sin, don't abstain, but remember, it was your choice to remarry. Biblically you are not to remarry until after the first spouse has deceased, becuase it is only then that the marriage is no longer binding...read the bible, it's our guide.
  9. Istherenotacause

    Istherenotacause New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    Wizofozoasalopso, If you will forgive me for forgiving you w/o you forgetting to forgive my unforgiving. Or will you find it within your heart to unforgive my forgivng you w/o ever asking me to forgive you and your forgiving or unforgiving? You know exactly what I'm talking about don't you, wizofozio-mozio?

    ___ ______ ____ ___!

    In Christ,

    Brother Ricky
  10. Istherenotacause

    Istherenotacause New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    You are supposed to abstain...if you want to remain in sin, don't abstain, but remember, it was your choice to remarry. Biblically you are not to remarry until after the first spouse has deceased, becuase it is only then that the marriage is no longer binding...read the bible, it's our guide. </font>[/QUOTE]Does it say anywhere in the Bible that hiring a hitman to get your ex-wife exterminated so your second marriage will be o.k.?
  11. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    My father (divorced) is married to a woman who has 3 ex-husbands. One died last year and another one has cancer. She remarked to me that if Tom would just get sick and die she wouldn't be living in adultery anymore.......

    I reminded her that my mother is still alive and quite healthy.

  12. Istherenotacause

    Istherenotacause New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    My father (divorced) is married to a woman who has 3 ex-husbands. One died last year and another one has cancer. She remarked to me that if Tom would just get sick and die she wouldn't be living in adultery anymore.......

    I reminded her that my mother is still alive and quite healthy.

    </font>[/QUOTE]Now that does complicate things! Now I'll have to hire more than one hitman. :eek: Got any money I can borrow? [​IMG] Maybe you'd like to donate to my worthy cause?
    "Sin ALWAYS complicates life!"

    I borrowed that term from a preacher that had the congregation repeat it out loud several times over.
  13. MissAbbyIFBaptist

    MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Well I thought this thread was about divorce, not remarrage. Anyways, heres some verses I found.
    "Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the
    LORD hath been witness between
    thee and the wife of thy youth, against
    whom thou hast dealt treacherously:
    yet is she thy companion, and the wife
    of thy covenant.
    Mal 2:15
    And did not he make one? Yet had he
    the residue of the spirit. And
    wherefore one? That he might seek a
    godly seed. Therefore take heed to
    your spirit, and let none deal
    treacherously against the wife of his
    Mal 2:16
    For the LORD, the God of Israel, saith
    that he hateth putting away..." so on and so forth.
    Also if you really think about it, if marrage is a picture of Christ and us, and since our relationship with Him can not be broken, why would we break our wedding vows? A pastor said somehting one time, that I'll probably always remember. "Wedlock is a padlock without a key." He said this after preaching on the verses were the wife is told to ubmitt to her husband and the husband is to love her as Christ did the church.
    I don't think it's our business to condemn someone for something already done. They have no need to be forgiven of us, because it didn't involve us. It was between the husband, wife and the Lord. And sadly, at times the children.
    And divorce is HARD on children. Try learning about that at the age of four, and grow up without a mother. I thank God for picking up the peices of my life, but had it not happened, oh what needless pain we all would have been without.
    There are TWO reasons for divorce given in the Bible. Adultry and desertion. Let's just say my parents fell under both categories, but a lot of divorces don't and that's what's really sad! Why would you tear something God has made one? Marrage is something holy and precious. If God wills I don't want to follow the path of the past members of my family. I want a strong marrage for my children to grow up in. I want them to see what a God-ordered home is like in action. I'm having to learn it from church members, because even now I'm not seeing that. But that dosn't mean other children have to learn from others.
    If you've divorced, and remarried, that's between ya'll and God, and you don't have to expect others to forgive you, but if you are still married, or planning on marrage, make a covnant with God that by His grace, you'll stay married. If you're married a second (or how ever many times you've remarried) time, then go on for the Lord, and honour this vow.
    ~Abby [​IMG]
  14. Baptist in Richmond

    Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    AdoptedDaughter writes:
    &gt;&gt;For those who were saved, divorced, and
    &gt;&gt;remarried, the only way that they can remain
    &gt;&gt;out of sin in the marital area to for them to
    &gt;&gt;abstain. Otherwise they will be living in
    &gt;&gt;adultery as long as they don't abstain.

    This statement has been made a few times now, and I would like to see the Scripture that directly supports this belief. Until I see it, I maintain that this is unscriptural.

    King David put away his wives, and married the wife of Uriah the Hittite. The story is outlined in Chapters 11 and 12 of II Samuel. God sent Nathan to David to tell him that God was going to pronounce judgement upon his house for his adultery. David repented, and received his judgement. I am sure that most of you that are reading this know the story.

    Now, read II Samuel 13:24. This shows that David did not abstain. This is the same David that the Holy Spirit inspired to write the Word of God. As a matter of fact, if you read Chapter 1 in the Book of Matthew (specifically verses 6 and 7) you find that Jesus is a direct descendant of the union of David and Bathsheba.
    Moral of the story: God can still use you despite what you may have done in the past.

    If there are divorced people reading this post, then my heart goes out to you: everybody on the list agrees that this is a very devastating event. The Lord God Almighty is a God of Grace. I, for one, am very thankful for that as I would have no hope without this fact. I wish for you the peace that comes in the knowledge that God's Grace can overcome ANYTHING in your life.

    If someone is divorced and remarried (the passage has been quoted and re-quoted about a hundred times), then the sin of adultery has been committed. Notwithstanding this point, there is no sin that cannot be overcome by the Grace of God. If you have asked forgiveness, and you are sincere, then we know that He will forgive us our sins. If you are remarried, then I think that Paul's writings in Chapter 7 of I Corinthians ABSOLUTELY apply to the new marriage. That means that all the laws concerning the behavior of a husband or wife are ABSOLUTELY applied to the new marriage as well (Verse 5 is very clear about whether or not you should abstain). If these guidelines are not followed, the result will be another failed marriage.

    Bottom line: You can't undo the past. If you are remarried, then I believe you have the obligation to do it right this time, not repeating what caused the first marriage to fail.
  15. RomOne16

    RomOne16 New Member

    Jun 28, 2002
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    Okey Dokey Istherenotaconscience,

    I appreciate your expertise with the edit function.

    By the way, if RomOne16 is too much to remember, you may call me Laura. [​IMG] :D
  16. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    For those who were saved, divorced, and remarried, the only way that they can remain out of sin in the marital area to for them to abstain. Otherwise they will be living in adultery as long as they don't abstain. What of Paul's direction, where he says that it is better for a man to marry than to burn with sexual desire? Or does this only apply towards folks who have never been married?

    Biblically you are not to remarry until after the first spouse has deceased, becuase it is only then that the marriage is no longer binding...read the bible, it's our guide.
    The same bible says that divorce is allowed in cases of adultery and abandonment. It even goes so far as to say that remarriage is adultery, except when a fornication led to divorce. As far as the marriage being binding, when a person is guilty of adultery and abandonment, they have broken the marital covenant. In such cases, the injured spouse has every biblical right to divorce the spouse who broke the covenant, since there is no covenant anymore.
  17. RomOne16

    RomOne16 New Member

    Jun 28, 2002
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    Thanks for your post Baptist in Richmond. I agree with you, and appreciate your voice of reason. [​IMG]
  18. dianetavegia

    dianetavegia Guest

    I had a thought....

    If someone has an abortion... the child cannot be brought back to life so if divorce is a 'permanent' sin then abortion would be constant murder, would it not?

    If someone has sex before marriage, they cannot regain their virginity so they would be a fornicator forever?

    All sin has consequences, like King David and Bathsheba's child dying... but God forgave David his sin.... even tho he did punish him. David did not repent of his sin until Nathan called him on it and pointed it out to him, and yet David was "a man after God's OWN heart".


    p.s. Laura, Brother Ricky gives a lot of people StarTrek names. He does it affectionately. Us southerner's have a weird sense of humor.
  19. RomOne16

    RomOne16 New Member

    Jun 28, 2002
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    I knew dat! :D [​IMG] That's why I put the [​IMG] and the :D at the end. I hope he doesn't think I was :mad: from my post :eek: . Cuz I wasn't! :D

    Don't be mad Bro. Rickey. I'm just bear stuffing, remember? :D
  20. wizofoz

    wizofoz New Member

    Apr 19, 2003
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    A previous poster was correct. This thread is about whether or not divorce is a sin. I think it's agreed that it is.

    Should we start another thread on remarriage?