(I don't think Pascal believed as you state... do you have a link you could provide? I admire much about him and would be interested in seeing such.)
LOL :laugh: He may not....I always confuse Pascal with Rene' Descartes:wavey: They were both frogs, Christians, mathematicians by trade, and smart...and both apologists...I think I (yet again confused Descartes with Pascal) I always do this. Anyway, it's one of those two frenchies.
This is getting to the heart of the matter. What is the meaning of the word "Omnipotent"? It, afterall, means something whether you and I think so or not, correct? I propose that 'Omnipotent' means "the power to do anything". If that is not what that means then someone please give me the word which signifies that meaning and if no one can show such a word then I call "dibbs" on the meaning so that I can dream up a great combination of latin words whose combination would be greater than "Omni Potens".
People please...
Who here can present a definition that most people on this board would agree to? or even that a group of people would agree to? What does omnipotence mean to 'biblicists'? What does omnipotence mean to cals and arms?
Fortunately....I do not think that one's status as a "Cal or Arm" or anything else is actually pertininent here: I think all Bilblical Points of View are capable of perfect agreement...There is also no such thing as a "Biblicist" In my opinion anyway...so let's dispense with such arrogance....
The crux of this problem lies within the idea of there being such a thing as propositional content which might exist or have independent definable value OUTSIDE of the independently existent
a se God. I, at least, do not think that there is even any such "thing" as "Omnipotence" "Goodness" "Pattern" "Logic" or "Rule"....outside of the Eternal "LOGOS"....The Ultimate and eternal "LOGOS" is our ultimate and self-existing definition of all such things. I do not even believe that propositional content exists outside of the "LOGOS" HIMSELF.
This is the same way we should understand the (so-called) "Euthyphro dilemma"....there is no such thing as an independent criterion or standard to which the
a se God adheres. There are NO "independent" propositions, notions, laws or ideas (even laws of logic) which are the MOST basic laws which exist....which are not a part of the ultimate reality and the ultimate self-existing "logos"...
"OMNI" and "POTENCE" are not even intelligible independent notions or propositions without the
a se "Logos" to provide them with meaning. Thus, if God provides us with a definintion of "omnipotence" which does not require a notion of logical absurdity...than our definition of "omnipotence" ought never entail that. "Logically absurd" is, itself, a notion which does not exist outside of the ultimate "Logos"...This is why I have little patience for any who speak in terms of "Man's logic"....there is simply no such thing..."logic" is, itself, a fundamental part of our understanding of who and what the eternal "Word" or "Logos" is....it does not exist outside of the "Him" whom it helps to describe...
Anyone who uses a term like "Man's logic" is ill-informed I.M.O. There is NO SUCH THING....They are all entailed in the ultimate being of WHOM God is...as the ultimate LOGOS....God does not do anything against his own nature. Thus, however we answer these questions...I do not think that suggesting logical absurdity is an available option....God has told us that: He is Omnipotent, He is also ultimate pattern, rule, logic, logos, and law....therefore he CANNOT be logically absurd.
Too many of us are coming from a "Neo-Platonic" perspective which assumes that there is independent propositional content which does not have its very essence or being within the Divine nature itself...I disagree. NOTHING...not even the "property" of "redness" exists without him...Nor the notion of either "Omnipotence" or "Absurdity"....