I am admittedly not as knowledgeable about the Bible as I should be, but as far as I know, the Bible doesn't list or spell out what are all the rights a person has. Responsibilities, in many cases, but not rights. I'd be happy to be corrected and to learn more if there is something in the Bible that spells out our basic rights.
I believe that we should ensure that people have access to health care. Of course there will be abuses...our own leaders abuse the system in many ways, so fraud and graft are certainly not limited to poor people.
I think the governing principle should be "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." If you were sick, would you not want to be able to see a doctor and get medicine, regardless of how rich or poor you are? I think everyone would say yes. We live in a wealthy country, with great resources...why can't we make universal health care work here? Are we not our brother's keeper?
I know of one case where the ACA has been a great benefit...this person was unable to continue paying the premiums for private insurance after being laid off, didn't qualify for Medicaid, and was too young for Medicare. This person had significant medical issues, but went without medication and treatment for two years until the ACA was passed, and then got affordable insurance (thanks to subsidies, based on low income) that allowed doctor visits, medication, and other needed care. This person has no tattoos, drives a 14 year old car, and doesn't smoke, drink, do drugs, or anything else that diverts money from basic maintenance. Who cares about these people? It sure seems our leaders don't.