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Is Holding a Grudge Sinful?


Well-Known Member
This is one thing I know and have warned people about. In palliative care ministry and street ministry. Had too many powerful experiences, don’t hold grudges.

We are forgiven as we forgive others.

It’s actually a very common thing and mostly unseen, and one of the most common obstacles to ministry. Nothing can be done for people who obstinately hold to unforgiveness.

There is a particular ugliness that people manifest in this world that continues into the next regarding unforgiveness. It rebuffs every mercy offered it, it repels the light. It’s a grievous thing seeing it in the Spirit.

I don’t care what people’s theology is, I know this thing, and it is the worst spiritual malady that shackles a soul to a most heavy weight, and that weight drags a soul into the darkest abyss.

Do not long harbour unforgiveness, it hardens the heart over time like concrete.

You want to die having forgiven all, then you are fit to enter the Light of Mercy, that Light is in you and bears you up.


Well-Known Member
I hold grudges. The hatred keeps me alive.

Don’t do it bro. Many make a badge of honour out of their grudges and is pure folly.
Many boast that they can hold a grudge forever, not realising that a grudge can hold them forever.

The same mercy that forgives others, forgives you, don’t you understand.

That mercy must be in you.

Love will conquer your enemies far more effectively than hatred.

Grudges are the chains that hold you together with your enemies. Do you want to be chained to your enemies for eternity in mutual undying hatred.?

Ask The Eternal Father, the most loving of Fathers, The Father of Mercy to grant you Mercy, Mercy to remember your own sins and show what you have been forgiven. In truly seeing understanding your own sin and the enormity that you have been forgiven, you can not hold grudges against others.

“ Blessed are the merciful, mercy will be shown them “


Well-Known Member
If anything my life has been made a mission of Mercy. I was born and raised in a pay back culture, I know what it is to harbour real hatred.
In that mind you can never take enough revenge, it consumes, darkens and strangles your soul. Endless suffocation awaits those who don’t forgive, this is a deadly snare of the evil one.

Be the beautiful child of Light and Love The Father created you to be. See the snare. After impurity, hatred is the deadliest snare that snatches so many.

You can not bring Jesus to others to others if you harbour grudges, the light and the dark can not occupy the same space.

You must be the Light of the world, bearing Jesus who by His nature is Mercy itself.
Carry Jesus Standard which is Love and Mercy.


Well-Known Member
“If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”

When you hold a grudge, you break all the commands entire. The chief commandment being to love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and strength. You break this commandment when you hold a grudge against someone and the love of God is not in you.

You are in the dark in this world, and that darkness will own you in the next.

Don’t even harbour a small grudge, even a tiny snare that has you by the toe will kill you in the world to come. Attached to it is a very great weight.

I have seen people die and go down to the dark for unforgiveness and it’s a grievous, horrific thing. For your own salvation sake, don’t do it.

Do not harden and perfect your hatreds, have no part with the dark, decide today and live.
“ If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts “
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Well-Known Member
I hold grudges. The hatred keeps me alive.

You don’t really mean that do you? Please mate, don’t live like that. At handover I was thinking of you and praying about it.
I saw a lonely figure under a bridge in the dark and cold. Don’t hold onto past hurts bro.
Jesus and The Father can heal the deep wounds of rejection and ridicule so you don’t even remember them.
There’s a huge blessing awaiting you when you forgive and enter the light.

Mercy is the light, a slat of light through the darkest cloud in our hearts.

Although mercy is wonderous and beautiful, the cost of it is expensive, bloody agony.


Well-Known Member
Romans 12:17-21

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.


Well-Known Member
Romans 12:17-21

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

If people are struggling to forgive, go to The Father as wounded as you are. And say ‘ Father, I can’t do this on my own, please help me to see and understand, deliver me from this evil, I ask you to bless them even if it hurts to say it ‘

The enemy that can kill both body and soul forever, is the enemy that you don’t forgive.

When someone does evil to you, it is the Lord who allowed it, The Lord is drawing your attention to a problem child to help and pray for them. Not for you to hate them. See with those eyes and that understanding.

Earth Wind and Fire

Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
I hold grudges. The hatred keeps me alive.
That’s honest LOL!

I would add that I remember offenses as a shield to never have that happen to me again. Also, I don’t hate because that’s self distructive, however if I get the opportunity for paybacks that’s sure gratifying.​


Well-Known Member
Rat poison.

Battery acid.

With napalm. It works!
(all tongue in cheek, of course)

We have got to try not to perpetuate the thinking and words of the world on this mate.

Mercy is for the undeserving not the unforgiving.

Many think that they are saved and hold hard grudges against others. They are not.

There are no grudges in The Kingdom of Heaven. All grudges and those that bear them are barred entry.


We joke about it sometimes, but Scripture presents holding grudges as a serious sin (to the point Paul tells those in Corinth they are already defeated for so doing). It is the opposite of love.

There are things in our lives we may consider minor (grudges, envy, gossip, ect) but they are markers that a serious spiritual issue may exist.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Ask Jesus and The Father to hold your hands through the pain of forgiveness, Your arms will form a Cross as they are kneel in grief with you.

Jesus and The Father are with you, not above you. Love is the language they speak between each other, and if you hold their hands you remain in both their Love.

There are those cured by Faith and those cured by the direct contact of Love.

Faith is the beginning but Love is the end.

Three things remain. Faith, Hope and Love. The greatest of these is Love.

Hold your hands out to Jesus and The Most Holy Loving Father and you will light up like the Sun.

Say the Lord’s Prayer 50 to 100 times. The repetition is not for Him but for you to lift the veil of timidity that blinds you to His Love.

The Father Loves you, all that He has is yours.
We joke about it sometimes, but Scripture presents holding grudges as a serious sin (to the point Paul tells those in Corinth they are already defeated for so doing). It is the opposite of love.

There are things in our lives we may consider minor (grudges, envy, gossip, ect) but they are markers that a serious spiritual issue may exist.
Those are the acceptable sins in our churches. Noone would dare put up with murder, homosexuallity, thieves, adulteres, .etc.

But grudges, envy, gossip, strife, gossip. No problem, do you want to lead the service, hold an office?


Those are the acceptable sins in our churches. Noone would dare put up with murder, homosexuallity, thieves, adulteres, .etc.

But grudges, envy, gossip, strife, gossip. No problem, do you want to lead the service, hold an office?
I have encountered ministers I respected engaging in gossip, lies, strife....it is sad.

One told his wife info that was told him by another in private. She got on the phone and told her friends (I don't know the details, only what occurred and caused issues in the church.

I know a minister who engaged in gossip, ridiculing other Christians behind their backs in an online forum.

We are surprised about "major" sins like murder and adultery. But we often turn a blind eye to "minor" sins like gossip and strife. But they are damaging, and just as much a sin.

Too many ministers, and too many Christians, are caught up in sin.