Aaron said:
So the wife that is not happy about her hubby's proximity is being unreasonable and insecure, or is it a reasonable expectation that that kind of intimacy should be reserved for her?
(can't believe we're having to go into this detail...)
Why are they sitting closely? I "touched arms" with a married woman last year on a mission trip. We were in a crowded train, and our arms touched (at least I guess they did. It didn't exactly make an impact on me...I guess
that should answer your question as to if it were an exciting thing.

Neither of us left our spouses because of this incident, nor did we want to.
Now...if we were to simply be somewhere, and there was no compelling reason yet we were sitting that close
anyway, then there would be an issue.
I'm not saying actions don't matter. They do. But keep in mind that Christ told us where the
first battlefield was in this area...the
If I'm "touching arms" with someone, and my
mind is going somewhere with it, it's a huge problem.
But there
can be non-sexual contact between genders (i.e., shaking hands). It is our responsibility as Christian men to keep our minds pure. And there is a line beyond which there physical touch has no other purpose
but to be physical, sensual, etc.
I'm not suggesting that we find "the line" and run right up to it...that would be terribly unwise. But I also don't think that Scripture teaches us that we must put ourselves in a bubble, and that shaking hands with a woman inevitably leads to extramarital affairs, pregnancy, divorce, and subsequent marriages to Elizabeth Taylor.
Context is our friend, regarding this verse.