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Is it funny or is it blasphemous?


Well-Known Member
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Do you even have to ask?... You know its not funny!... You know also the scriptures say... God is not mocked... I read only the first paragraph as I don't read rubbish and that was enough... The person that wrote it should be ashamed of themself and also the person that posted it!... You want funny visit the humor forum!... Brother Glen


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That arcticle was one of the most infuriating things I've read. I'm apalled that someone would publish this kind of thing on the internet, but I'll just bet there's worse to read!.
Anything that denies Christ as God, denies the trinity, denies Christ as being the one way to Heaven, anything that contridicts what my Bible says is not worth reading or thinking about!
It's dishonuring, and I think it is blasphemious. the first picture of Jesus made Him apear to look like a hippy!
I have a problem with this kind of thing being posted. The God I serve is Holy, perfect, inerrent, sinless, with eternal life, pure in every aspect, and all together rightous. Anything that speaks other wise is wrong.
I do have a sense of humour, despite what some may say, but I see nothing funny about this arcticle.
2 John 1:10


New Member
Originally posted by Brother Adam:
I don't think it is sinful to read it just as I don't think reading evolution material is sinful (which I think is a joke too...
Well thank goodness that reading evolution material isn't sinful....


Active Member
Just wanted you guys to know--I tried clicking on the site--but my AFA filter has it blocked out!! If that tells you guys anything!! Of course, this AFA filter--I'm convinced--would filter out Captain Kangaroo if they knew that Mr. Moose and Dancin' Bear were up to no good!!


Well-Known Member
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Haven't read the article, & have no intention to! If I know beforehand the type material in an article, book, movie etc, & it does not jive with my convictions, I just ignore it.

That being said, just the fact that it is questionable as to blaspheming my Lord, I refuse to check it out. I certainly don't feel that I've missed anything of value!

I screw up enough on my own without purposly following some questionable sources of entertainment.

Do I not have a sense of humor? My wife swears that my death will be from a burst blood vessel in my brain from laughing so hard! It's just that I'm very particular about what I find humourous; making fun of Christ, God, Holy Spirit, crucifixion, etc DO NOT fit my definition of humor!!!

I really think God has a terrific sense of humor. I've been in situations that I look back on and can picture Jesus laughing at me for the fool I've made of myself; then I start laughing too. I can picture the twinkle in His eye as He talked to the disciples re: the camel going through the needle's eye. Can't you see Him laughing at Peter when he began to sink beneath the waves? Not a cruel or sarcastic laugh, but like that of a parent as they watch a child learn to walk as they stumble and reel about, learning new things.

I don't condemn anyone who feels ok with this stuff, but I would ask that you remember that your body is indwelt with the Holy Spirit, (assuming you have given your life to Christ) and ALL your actions naturally include Him. If you have a clear conscience, that's between you and God.

You'll answer for your choices, and I'll answer for mine. I'm comfortable with that!



New Member
No believer trying to live a life of holiness can read the garbage on onion.com. Its all fake as alot of you probably know, but it did fool alot of people when it first came out.


New Member
I love satire as much as the next guy. However, I do not think this is really satire at all. It is really an attempt to dishonor the LORD, while DISGUISED as satire. That is why it is offensive. Big bummer!



Fortunately the only onion I know is the one I put on my sandwich or in my salad or gril with the steak. Church humor does get close to the lines sometimes. I think it is fine to jok about ourselves, but we ought to leave the Lord out of jesting which is not convenient.


New Member
I love The Onion although it has been a long time since I have read it. I really enjoy their humor but it may be because I have a similar sense of humor, taking something obviously fake and then pushing it to the extreme until somebody realizes you are joking or taking an existing joke you have heard and replacing the protagonist with me so that the point where someone realizes I am telling a joke and not a story gets pushed back a little bit. The Onion takes all sort of ideas to the extreme to make it funny. I do not find this blasphemous because I know it is a joke and nothing more. I also do not get offended by jokes that start with "A preacher, a rabbi and a priest..." They are also equal opportunist. Try clicking on the archive link at the top and then selecting the Religion archive. They get to everyone. If you look in the religion archive you will find one that I found particularly funny. It was the first time after September 11th that I saw someone making a related joke. Could have been in very bad taste but since the crux of the "story" is the surprise of the hijackers when they woke up in Hell I had to let it slide. If you find it offensive or if you do not believe in the indulgence of entertainment you do not have to read it. If you do not find it offensive, I find no harm in the partaking of a little humor.


New Member
I'll have to admit my curiosity got the best of me.
No it was not funny. It made me sick in my heart.
Perhaps that will control my curiosity the next time.


<img src=/post-it.jpg>
Originally posted by blackbird:
would filter out Captain Kangaroo if they knew that Mr. Moose and Dancin' Bear were up to no good!![/QB]
What?... is there a link? .... I must have it!!!

I miss the falling ping pong balls and that sarcastic moose. I think Mr. Moose would make a great board member. I think I will change my moniker to Mr. Moose.


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I don't like the Onion because they have a very clear atheist agenda.

It would have been funnier if it were Osama Bin Laden converting to Christianity.

The interview with the newly converted Osama Bin Laden.

Osama 48, has changed his name to Bob Lakeworth. And is moving to Van Nuys Calif in the fall. He enjoys water-sking and bird-watching. Now that he has become a Christian, a local Methodist Church has welcomed him with open arms.

In a sit down interview with Bob, this is what he had to say.

All that... Alah is the one true God stuff... forget I said that I was just plain "lost". It's so obvious now that I think about it.

"When I read the story about Paul... Boom, like an exploding car bomb, it hit me... That's me...I'm like Paul."

"I couldn't live with myself anymore so I decided to strap a bomb to my back and end it all, suddenly a voice from on high said. "Hey you idiot, when I said Israel is the chosen land, I didn't mean for an attack, I meant for you to go there and convert. What a moron, I must have been playing Golf the day you were made. Anyway..., convert to Chritianity before you kill anyone else, twirp."

And so I am now a Christian. I look forward to my first pot luck dinner and social.

(add if you like)

[ August 25, 2002, 12:48 PM: Message edited by: post-it ]


New Member
I thought there were some funny lines....maybe because I just appreciate humor, BUT

overall I thought it was really stupid given the history of Islam ....maybe it's just me, but I couldn't help think in the back of my mind that it didn't make sense, I mean it's not even plausable. But, then again...consider the source. Post-it has a good idea with Osama becoming a Christian, a lot easier to buy.



New Member
One bright spot for the naysayers: At least they did admit that Jesus was alive after 2,000 years. The article wouldn't have been as funny if it were set in the 1st century.