Haven't read the article, & have no intention to! If I know beforehand the type material in an article, book, movie etc, & it does not jive with my convictions, I just ignore it.
That being said, just the fact that it is questionable as to blaspheming my Lord, I refuse to check it out. I certainly don't feel that I've missed anything of value!
I screw up enough on my own without purposly following some questionable sources of entertainment.
Do I not have a sense of humor? My wife swears that my death will be from a burst blood vessel in my brain from laughing so hard! It's just that I'm very particular about what I find humourous; making fun of Christ, God, Holy Spirit, crucifixion, etc DO NOT fit my definition of humor!!!
I really think God has a terrific sense of humor. I've been in situations that I look back on and can picture Jesus laughing at me for the fool I've made of myself; then I start laughing too. I can picture the twinkle in His eye as He talked to the disciples re: the camel going through the needle's eye. Can't you see Him laughing at Peter when he began to sink beneath the waves? Not a cruel or sarcastic laugh, but like that of a parent as they watch a child learn to walk as they stumble and reel about, learning new things.
I don't condemn anyone who feels ok with this stuff, but I would ask that you remember that your body is indwelt with the Holy Spirit, (assuming you have given your life to Christ) and ALL your actions naturally include Him. If you have a clear conscience, that's between you and God.
You'll answer for your choices, and I'll answer for mine. I'm comfortable with that!