Probably not. John Burgon was not a great fan of the TR of his day. In fact he stated, "Once for all, we request it may be clearly understood that we do not, by any means, claim perfection for the Received text. We entertain no extravagant notions on this subject. Again and again we shall have occasion to point out (e.g. at page 107) that the Textus Receptus needs correction” (Revision Revised, p. 21, footnote 2).
Page 107 reads, in part, "In not a few particulars, the 'Textus receptus' does call for Revision, certainly;"
What Burgon championed was what he called "The Traditional Text." What we would call "The Byzantine Textform" today.
He said, It "might be found practicable to put forth by authority a carefully considered Revision of the commonly received Greek Text." (p. xxix, preface).
It is common knowledge that Burgon proposed over 150 changes in the Textus Receptus in the Gospel of Matthew alone.
And, in fact, he did not believe the RV of 1881 did any damage to bible doctrine. He said, “Let it be also candidly admitted that, even where (in our judgment) the Revisionists have erred, they have never had the misfortune seriously to obscure a single feature of Divine Truth” (Revision Revised, p. 232).
He even called for a revision of the KJV, "--we hold that a revised edition of the Authorized Version of our English Bible, (if executed with consummate ability and learning,) would at any time be a work of inestimable value." (p. 114).
Most KJVOs who claim Burgon as their champion have never actually read what he wrote.
He is much more in my corner (Byzantine Preferred) than in the KJVO corner.