I know that this has already strayed from the OP, but I ask where does the Bible say Paul was or was not married? It doesn't! In 1Cor 7.8, Paul told the unmarried and the widows to stay single as he was but, does that mean Paul was unmarried or a widow? The scriptures do not make this clear.
Some say Paul was a member of the Sanhedrin, which would require that he be married. While almost all of the Sanhedrin were married the rule of "must be married" only applied to a gentile that converted to Judaism to be married to an Israeli wife. Paul did claim to be a Pharisee in Phil 3.5 and a Hebrew of Hebrews, which some take to mean he was a member of the Sanhedrin.
Now back to the OP. The scripture does say "husband of one wife", it was said in an earlier post that polygamy was a problem among the pagans. I do not think a pagan is qualified to be anything but lost. Polygamy was a problem among gentiles but not as much of a problem as divorce was. (after all if you divorced her, you don't have to feed her and give her a credit card) By the way, divorce in and of itself is not a disqualification but, the reasons and circumstance for divorce may at least take a season or two before one could be considered, if ever.
I for one have never been in a situation of calling a pastor or ordaining an elder or deacon who was single. If that occurs, I pray the Holy Spirit will lead me in wisdom to truly understand this qualification. James 1.5
P.S. some mention biblical divorce. Can anyone tell me where God says it is OK to divorce?