I have been lurking on other Christian boards and groups, and I am shocked by what I saw. Biblical illiteracy, pop psychology, emotionalism, crazy antics being called signs and wonders, belief every strong emotion or dream or deja-vu is an omen from God or prophecy, and so much more crazier stuff are being promoted and taken for granted by seemingly almost everyone.
I thank God for the Baptist Board that I have found an oasis from the madness. As crazy as that sounds considering our arguments - I mean that in a friendly way.
Two apologists I follow are confident we are in the Great Apostasy warned of in the Olivet Discourse and the New Testament end times passages.
The saddest part for me is to see so many men I admire and whose writings I enjoy, are saying nothing in this time. The church in the Western World is imploding under the weight of deceivers, who are often out for fame and profit. I cannot believe what I am seeing in that so many men of stature in evangelical Christianity are either silent or trying to connect with blatant false teachers.
Thank God for people like John MacArthur and Chris Rosebrough, though they are not Baptists. Satan should not win with a whisper.
What do you all think?
I approach this from my own independent fundamental baptist perspective, but I thought the issue cut across all Baptist denominations. It seems we are increasingly isolated as bible-centered conservative theologians.
I thank God for the Baptist Board that I have found an oasis from the madness. As crazy as that sounds considering our arguments - I mean that in a friendly way.
Two apologists I follow are confident we are in the Great Apostasy warned of in the Olivet Discourse and the New Testament end times passages.
The saddest part for me is to see so many men I admire and whose writings I enjoy, are saying nothing in this time. The church in the Western World is imploding under the weight of deceivers, who are often out for fame and profit. I cannot believe what I am seeing in that so many men of stature in evangelical Christianity are either silent or trying to connect with blatant false teachers.
Thank God for people like John MacArthur and Chris Rosebrough, though they are not Baptists. Satan should not win with a whisper.
What do you all think?
I approach this from my own independent fundamental baptist perspective, but I thought the issue cut across all Baptist denominations. It seems we are increasingly isolated as bible-centered conservative theologians.