In the last few days, there have been apologies from the hospital for its early mishandling of the Ebola crisis. There have been apologies from individuals, and even leaders in the Texas government and some agencies associated with this Ebola scare.
So why does Obama not take a cue from these folks and tender an apology for the mistakes he made in the roll out of Obamacare? Or the errors that led to four deaths in Benghazi? Or his fumbling and bungling of the Ebola crisis, as well as his miscalculations when it came to ISIS and Iraq?
A good leader will acknowledge his mistakes, and a loving nation will be forgiving and move on with the leader. However, in Obama's case, he never apologizes. Instead, he blames others, fires them, and throws the agency responsible for the mistake under the bus!
I guess "the buck stops here" does not apply to this president, and that is an important quality we need to look for in whomever we elect in 2016. We don't want a perfect president. We want a man or woman who is not afraid to make decisions, and when they mess up, say so, and move on! That kind of behavior builds trust.
Just once in his life it would be great to hear him utter the words, "I'm sorry!" However, I for one, will not hold my breath. :laugh:
What do you think? Is it okay for a POTUS be human once in the while and make mistakes? Is it acceptable for the person in the Oval Office to apologize for said mistakes? Or do we ant the person in DC to be more robotic and unable to commit an error? You tell me ......:wavey:
So why does Obama not take a cue from these folks and tender an apology for the mistakes he made in the roll out of Obamacare? Or the errors that led to four deaths in Benghazi? Or his fumbling and bungling of the Ebola crisis, as well as his miscalculations when it came to ISIS and Iraq?
A good leader will acknowledge his mistakes, and a loving nation will be forgiving and move on with the leader. However, in Obama's case, he never apologizes. Instead, he blames others, fires them, and throws the agency responsible for the mistake under the bus!
I guess "the buck stops here" does not apply to this president, and that is an important quality we need to look for in whomever we elect in 2016. We don't want a perfect president. We want a man or woman who is not afraid to make decisions, and when they mess up, say so, and move on! That kind of behavior builds trust.
Just once in his life it would be great to hear him utter the words, "I'm sorry!" However, I for one, will not hold my breath. :laugh:
What do you think? Is it okay for a POTUS be human once in the while and make mistakes? Is it acceptable for the person in the Oval Office to apologize for said mistakes? Or do we ant the person in DC to be more robotic and unable to commit an error? You tell me ......:wavey: