I am constantly perplexed by the harsh attitude of some people on this board.
When some one writes and posts to the board, it is their right just as it's the right of members to respond with their opinion, views, and theological standing, too!
However, I do not believe that ANYONE on this board has the God given right to humiliate another person for sharing their views, theological understanding of an issue, and political/social standing.
It seems to me that when members personally try to humiliate the person who posts, to any forum, it is like the old saying about Christians being "quick to kill their wounded!"
There are going to be personality clashes, which in itself, is highly unfortunate, but, to revert to name calling (and I am often guilty of this, most of the time in self-defense, which doesn't make it right), and being downright nasty.
For instance, there are those who, for whatever reason, attack my choice to have my books printed by a publisher that specializes in POD. I had to submit my books for review, and both books had to meet that publishers criteria. In the process of selecting a publisher, I wanted a highly respected Christian publisher, and settled for nothing less.
Still, even though my books have nothing to do with the topic, or, content of the post, there are those who take every opportunity they have to be-little my path to being an author. This is wrong, and should not be allowed by the Moderators of this Board.
Than there's the name calling. I realize that the name-calling is for the sole purpose of "pushing my buttons" and I'll repentantly admit, that I've taken more than my share of negative responses when my buttons are pushed.
That still doesn't make that member right. Their criticism and comments should ALWAYS be topic oriented, and the Moderators should not allow these members, who purposely move off the path of the topic, in order to make cheap shots at my ministry, books, or personal integrity. The cheap shots only serve to "humiliate" and cast a negative shadow on my venture into writing books that I prayerfully wrote in order to help others better know the Lord in the midst of personal crisis's.
Slander; character assassination; name calling; bullying the author of the post; ganging up on the author of the post; and being downright NASTY... does not reflect the intent of this board and the Savior that we say we love and live to serve through having this wonderful forum at our fingertips.
So, I ask again: Why is it that there some members are allowed to "bully" others, and act in a way that the Bible would not allow.
When attacked, I have either argued for my opinions; or, when shown I was wrong, I publicly admitted it, and when possible, I even removed the post. I have also been the first one to admit my mistakes when they are pointed out, BUT, my accusers and self-appointed judges only see my act of humility to be a sign of weakness. Like blood-in-the-water with sharks, they never apologize, nor do they let up the next time they find a chance to feed on, and attack my opinions.
IMHO, there is a need for members on this board to repent... if I am bullied to the point of humility and apology, than those who are vicious, crude, rude, and un-Christ like in their tone, use of words, and attitude, need to do likewise, and cease to act in this manner the next time they feel the urge to attack me again. After all, repent means to turn around and go in an opposite and new direction. That spirit should be on hearts of everyone using this forum/board, not just on the hearts of the one who is pushed and bullied to the point of submission...
I am truly disappointed with how far some members are allowed to go with their comments and hurtful accusations... but, maybe the Baptist Board is just another fellowship that allows the wounded and the humiliated members to be publicly shot and killed in front of the entire cyber-world.
The truth is, 99.9% of the people on this board are humble,wonderful examples and witnesses for the Lord. But, when there are a few "bad apples", it tends to make the entire barrel look like its rotten to the core.
There you have it... I have vented, and I can only pray that the members and Moderators of this board take this to heart and try to stop others from making it so bad for some who post, that they feel like I do. I love this board, and I plan to remain on it. I just don't appreciate the "better-than-thou" attitude by some of the members, and I can only hope that these guilty parties take this message to heart and make a change for the good of the entire board...
Pastor Paul :type:
When some one writes and posts to the board, it is their right just as it's the right of members to respond with their opinion, views, and theological standing, too!
However, I do not believe that ANYONE on this board has the God given right to humiliate another person for sharing their views, theological understanding of an issue, and political/social standing.
It seems to me that when members personally try to humiliate the person who posts, to any forum, it is like the old saying about Christians being "quick to kill their wounded!"
There are going to be personality clashes, which in itself, is highly unfortunate, but, to revert to name calling (and I am often guilty of this, most of the time in self-defense, which doesn't make it right), and being downright nasty.
For instance, there are those who, for whatever reason, attack my choice to have my books printed by a publisher that specializes in POD. I had to submit my books for review, and both books had to meet that publishers criteria. In the process of selecting a publisher, I wanted a highly respected Christian publisher, and settled for nothing less.
Still, even though my books have nothing to do with the topic, or, content of the post, there are those who take every opportunity they have to be-little my path to being an author. This is wrong, and should not be allowed by the Moderators of this Board.
Than there's the name calling. I realize that the name-calling is for the sole purpose of "pushing my buttons" and I'll repentantly admit, that I've taken more than my share of negative responses when my buttons are pushed.
That still doesn't make that member right. Their criticism and comments should ALWAYS be topic oriented, and the Moderators should not allow these members, who purposely move off the path of the topic, in order to make cheap shots at my ministry, books, or personal integrity. The cheap shots only serve to "humiliate" and cast a negative shadow on my venture into writing books that I prayerfully wrote in order to help others better know the Lord in the midst of personal crisis's.
Slander; character assassination; name calling; bullying the author of the post; ganging up on the author of the post; and being downright NASTY... does not reflect the intent of this board and the Savior that we say we love and live to serve through having this wonderful forum at our fingertips.
So, I ask again: Why is it that there some members are allowed to "bully" others, and act in a way that the Bible would not allow.
When attacked, I have either argued for my opinions; or, when shown I was wrong, I publicly admitted it, and when possible, I even removed the post. I have also been the first one to admit my mistakes when they are pointed out, BUT, my accusers and self-appointed judges only see my act of humility to be a sign of weakness. Like blood-in-the-water with sharks, they never apologize, nor do they let up the next time they find a chance to feed on, and attack my opinions.
IMHO, there is a need for members on this board to repent... if I am bullied to the point of humility and apology, than those who are vicious, crude, rude, and un-Christ like in their tone, use of words, and attitude, need to do likewise, and cease to act in this manner the next time they feel the urge to attack me again. After all, repent means to turn around and go in an opposite and new direction. That spirit should be on hearts of everyone using this forum/board, not just on the hearts of the one who is pushed and bullied to the point of submission...
I am truly disappointed with how far some members are allowed to go with their comments and hurtful accusations... but, maybe the Baptist Board is just another fellowship that allows the wounded and the humiliated members to be publicly shot and killed in front of the entire cyber-world.
The truth is, 99.9% of the people on this board are humble,wonderful examples and witnesses for the Lord. But, when there are a few "bad apples", it tends to make the entire barrel look like its rotten to the core.
There you have it... I have vented, and I can only pray that the members and Moderators of this board take this to heart and try to stop others from making it so bad for some who post, that they feel like I do. I love this board, and I plan to remain on it. I just don't appreciate the "better-than-thou" attitude by some of the members, and I can only hope that these guilty parties take this message to heart and make a change for the good of the entire board...
Pastor Paul :type: