Good news is that most of us do have the option of a bible preaching/teaching church!
I'm glad for you, sir.
Unfortunately I do not share in your particular blessing.
That is why when
@Particular shared what he experiences at his church, I was quite literally shocked to see an actual New Testament church modeled anywhere, these days;
Because I've never been part of one that included more than 3 people, that's why.
One needs to find a local church body that is teaching sound doctrine for sure, but some seem to just take the approach that music style never right, teaching never right, as if looking for excuses not to go!
From my perspective, some take the position that it's better to participate in a bad church, than not to participate at all.
Which one is the Biblical view?
To involve ones' self with heresy, modernism, false teaching and worldly churches, or to separate ones' self from those who are walking disorderly?
means to be meeting together with fellow Christians in a local assembly!
I do that every weekend.
I was thinking more like those who find fault with any church, as in bad music, teaching, not set up as I would like etc!
How about if one is not looking at how one wants it, but how God wants it to be?
Would that be too much to ask, for professing believers to actually be conducting themselves as a New Testament church should be?
I know of many buildings on street corners in my area that call themselves "churches", but are just as dead, spiritually, as the religious Pharisees were in Christ's day.
I don't know of any in my area that
fully preach and teach sound doctrine, but I know of one that gets close.
I will not be re-baptized just to participate in their errors and to "identify with their teachings" as their pastor put it to me.
I was baptized in 1978 to identify
with my Saviour and His every word, not a denomination's teachings.
If he wishes to insist that everyone coming form another Baptist church other than his own, be re-baptized, then that is his prerorgative...
But I don't have to agree with it, nor do I have to join them just to be part of a traditional church.
I was not seeking membership even, just attending faithfully!
"Seeking membership"...
You mean, like at a country club?
God's churches don't "transfer memberships" or grant memberships.
Believers are members one of another.
It's not a business, it's the family of God.
Secondly, what does "attend faithfully" mean?
To participate in a pre-scripted religious ceremony ( like I did for decades ) where people come in, stand for the first song, sit for the second, take an offering, listen to the announcements, sit through a musical "special", stand for the third song, and then listen to a 45 minute to 1 hour sermon ( that often involves the propagation of gross error and misunderstanding about God's word ) and then go home?
Rinse and repeat next week, same time, same place?
I'm sorry, sir, but that's not "assembling together" in the Biblical sense.
Which is getting to know one another as the spiritual brothers and sisters that we are and being able to exercise our spiritual gifts...
That's religion at its finest.