Is it too early to call the new GOP Congress a failure?
If I were a Republican voter, I wouldn’t be particularly pleased with what my representatives have managed to do so far — in fact, it’s been more like a month-long string of pratfalls than anything else. There was the abortion bill they introduced and then pulled over language concerning rape victims. They did pass the Keystone XL bill, which will be vetoed — and their timing wasn’t great, given that with gas at $2 a gallon, people aren’t feeling a desperate need for Canadian tar sands oil. Their alternate plans for immigration and health care are nowhere to be seen.
Now look at the news just from the last day or two. Republicans tried to pass a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security and repeal President Obama’s executive actions on immigration. Senate Democrats filibustered it, and in its current form it’s dead, meaning we’re headed for another shutdown mini-crisis. Spoiler alert: Republicans will lose, caving in and funding the department. Then the House took its 56th vote to repeal Obamacare, and as Dana Milbank reports, even Republicans themselves can’t get excited about that. “For much of the debate Tuesday afternoon, no more than a dozen seats were occupied on the pro-repeal side of the House. More than once, the GOP had nobody available to speak.”
Oh, and one of their new star senators made news by stating that restaurant workers shouldn’t have to wash their hands after going to the bathroom.
It’s quite a record of accomplishment. What wonders will their second month in power bring forth to improve Americans’ lives?