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Is Mary Omini-present ?

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Eliyahu, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. D28guy

    D28guy New Member

    Nov 16, 2002
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    In many cases threads like this are necesarry in order for the "building up" to take place.

    Are you suggesting that calling idolatry what it is...and giving proof...isnt a proper thing to do?

    The apostle Paul, under the anointing of God, did not shrink back from calling legalism what it was, as he also proclaimed the truth.

    So much so that he said "Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?"

    Idolatry is what it is. Goddess worship is what it is. And dead religion that proclaims a false gospel is what it is.

    We are just calling these things what they are in truth....as we share the truth of the true gospel with Catholics.

    (Course, we could do more of that sharing if more Catholics where allowed to post, but thats for another topic thread I guess [​IMG] )

    God bless,

  2. D28guy

    D28guy New Member

    Nov 16, 2002
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    We all just wish the Catholics could "get with the program" and see that she isnt, and stop worshipping her as a goddess as if she were.


  3. Rev. Lowery

    Rev. Lowery New Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    I have ran into this problem when speaking to Catholics in the ministry of the gospel that God allows me to do.

    They say they pray to Mary so she can pray to Christ who asks God.

    They say its no different from asking a Brother or Sister to pray for you.

    ***************Start Sarcasm Here**************
    With this out look we run into the whole problem of the minor detail of scripture not backing up what they believe. But, Oh we are just interpreting the scripture different?????
    Oh and its OK to be homosexual and you can marry the same sex and even be a priest. There's more too the priest can call down Christ from heaven and put him in a little piece of bread and then you eat him. Wow to be more powerful than God must be neat.
    **************End Sarcasm Here*****************

    Again and Again the sky isn't blue its green I cant believe you cant see that its green.

    The problem is you might be color blind and cant see the truth.....But what’s truth??? Are there no absolutes in this world??? What is sin?? My idea of sin might not be yours. So what I think is sin might not be sin for you and what you call sin isn't sin for me????? Heaven forbid. People need to realize man is sin we are all evil there is none good not one. People like to think they are good and they find ways to condone not worshipping God and they call it their doctrine or their beliefs, not what the Bible says is right.
  4. Eliyahu

    Eliyahu Active Member
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    Nov 4, 2005
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    Have you ever tried to ask them,
    In Brazil,they pray to Mary, in Koln Germany, RC pray to Mary, in USA RC pray to Mary, in Asia Rc pray to Mary, can Mary accept all the prayers from all over the world, from 1.3 billion, and from millions of churches?

    Does she accept all the prayers in the moment of traffic accident, in the hospital, in the business, while people are driving?

    Could she accept the prayers from medieval era, and during the World War II, and eve now?

    Could she do so while she was alive here on earth?
    If not so, how could she become so much powerful?
    Can anyone become so powerful after she or he die?

    When such miraculous change took place to Mary?

    If Mary is exalted to that much powerful capacity, then she must be a Goddess !
  5. nate

    nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    I believe the RCC teaches that the prayers go to heaven that they are carried to her not that she goes to them. I think they view prayer differantly than you do.
  6. nate

    nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    The only early Bishop or Christian theologian that had a problem calling Mary the Mother of God was Nestorius. This is taken from the CARM website.

    So the first person we see objecting the calling of the 'Mother of God' was involved in heresy. Does your belief in not calling Mary the Mother of God stem from the Nestorian heresy?
  7. Eliyahu

    Eliyahu Active Member
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    Nov 4, 2005
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    I understand your passion to defend the prayer to dead woman who is not omnipresent,which is heresy without doubt.
  8. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    (Course, we could do more of that sharing if more Catholics where allowed to post, but thats for another topic thread I guess )

    I guess the answer is right there, Mike. This thread is a perfect waste of time and space. Get on with something more profitable......9 pages preaching to those who are not here???????


  9. Eliyahu

    Eliyahu Active Member
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    Nov 4, 2005
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    Nestorius was a true believer in Christ who was condemned as Heretic by the heretic Roman Catholic people and the slick and tricky boy Cyril of Egypt.

    In 19 century a certain literature written by Nestorius was found and that was totally different from what Catholic claimed Nestorius asserted before. We already dealt with this matter.

    Does God have a Mother?

    Deos God have a Mother II


    If you claim God is the Son of Mary, then you must deny Mary is not the Mother of Holy Spirit, without denying Holy Spirit is God as well.
    If you deny Holy Spirit is God and God the Father is God !
    By calling Mary as Mother of God, you are denying Trinity or Tri-Unity, because you are denying God the Father is not God in the same sentence by splitting Godhead.
  10. Eliyahu

    Eliyahu Active Member
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    Nov 4, 2005
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    I reject the followings:

    - Calling Mary as Mother of God
    - Immaculate Conception of Mary
    - Mary was lifetime Virgin or perpetual Virgin
    - Making the statue of Mary
    -Worshipping the statue of Mary, Joseph, Jesus
    - Groundless claim that Mary ascended (Assumption)
    -Salvation by Unction
    -Compulsory Celibacy of Priests
    - Infant Baptism
    - Papacy
    - Papal Infallibility
    - Clergy System
    - Purgatory
    - No Salvation outside Holy Roman Catholic Church
    - Mass asking for the forgiveness of sins
    - Eucharist and Transubstantiation (Magic Show)
    - Atrocities caused by Inquisition and all the cruel torturing and killing of the people as heretics by Holy Roman Catholic ( It is not way how Jesus taught us to deal with Heretics)

    1) If I had lived during the medieval era under holy Roman catholic, couldn't I be called as Heretic?

    2) If I had asserted above mentioned doctrines, could what I claimed or asserted be recorded properly and exactly as I claimed ?
  11. Eliyahu

    Eliyahu Active Member
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    Nov 4, 2005
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    This sounds like Mary is Omni-scient to understand all the prayers from all over the world. Can she understand what 1.3 billion people are praying ?

    She may be very busy to understand what the prayers are. When did she become so powerful to intercede the prayers of 1.3 billion people in the world and the historical Catholics throughout the history?

    Who carries the prayer of the people?
    Are the voices of the people so loud enough to reach her ?


    Are there some group of angels who are designated to convey the prayers to her?

    Where did you get such information ?
  12. D28guy

    D28guy New Member

    Nov 16, 2002
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    How can you determine that? We are contending for the truth. Thats a bad thing? And you have no idea what seeds are being planted in peoples hearts, and how or when those seeds will produce fruit.

    There are Catholics and Catholic sympasisers, many of them, posting on all of the "Catholicism" threads...and who knows how many more are lurking.

    Grace and peace,

  13. Matt Black

    Matt Black Well-Known Member
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    Feb 25, 2003
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    Nestorius was a true believer in Christ who was condemned as Heretic by the heretic Roman Catholic people and the slick and tricky boy Cyril of Egypt.

    In 19 century a certain literature written by Nestorius was found and that was totally different from what Catholic claimed Nestorius asserted before. We already dealt with this matter.

    Does God have a Mother?

    Deos God have a Mother II


    If you claim God is the Son of Mary, then you must deny Mary is not the Mother of Holy Spirit, without denying Holy Spirit is God as well.
    If you deny Holy Spirit is God and God the Father is God !
    By calling Mary as Mother of God, you are denying Trinity or Tri-Unity, because you are denying God the Father is not God in the same sentence by splitting Godhead. [/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]Nestorius was a heretic, and anyone who believes his heresy is one too. You utterly fail to understand the nature of the Incarnation and the Trinity in this and many other posts you make on the subject
  14. Eliyahu

    Eliyahu Active Member
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    Nov 4, 2005
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    Anyone who calls Mary as Mother of God is defacing God down to as Son of Mary, and therefore those are Heretic !

    Any one who prays to Mary who is dead is heretic because such person believes as Omni-present.
  15. Eliyahu

    Eliyahu Active Member
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    Nov 4, 2005
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    Matt, Chemnitz,

    Do you call God as Son of Mary ?
  16. Matt Black

    Matt Black Well-Known Member
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    Feb 25, 2003
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    Anyone who calls Mary as Mother of God is defacing God down to as Son of Mary, and therefore those are Heretic !

    Any one who prays to Mary who is dead is heretic because such person believes as Omni-present. [/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]Oh for goodness sake!! These matters were sorted out conclusively nearly 1600 years ago by the Church. If you want to go against that and be a Nestorian, or a JW or a Mormon, then fine - go and do so; just don't masquerade as a Christian and try to convince others that you are.

    No, I don't call God "Son of Mary". I am however quite happy to call Jesus Christ, God the Son Incarnate, son of Mary...because He was. Or are you adding denial of His birth and Incarnation to your list of stated heresies?
  17. BobRyan

    BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Zealous crusading for RC traditions -- like praying to the dead, using titles for Mary that EVEN the NT authors did not use - claiming Mary is "sinless like Christ" building altars to Mary and using them in worship and prayers to the dead

    (you name it the RCC has done it on this particular subject)

    -- all of that is misplaced zeal. In fact it is outright error.

    God explicitly forbids communicating with the dead. (And for one very good reason)

    In Christ,

  18. D28guy

    D28guy New Member

    Nov 16, 2002
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    Matt Black,

    That was about the time the Church decided it was time to start slaughtering the saints of God.

    Nobody here is "splitting Jesus in half" or going off into an heretical extremes. We are sharing truth in the midst of great great error.

    Of course, knowing the Catholic Church as I do, if they called me a heretic I would take that as a good sign. A compliment.

    If the Catholic Church is pleased with what I am...I'm in trouble. I'm probably off into some type of blasphemy, idolatry, or some form of great great error doctrinally.

    God bless,

  19. Matt Black

    Matt Black Well-Known Member
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    Feb 25, 2003
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    That was about the time the Church decided it was time to start slaughtering the saints of God.

    Nobody here is "splitting Jesus in half" or going off into an heretical extremes. We are sharing truth in the midst of great great error.

    </font>[/QUOTE]I wish you'd go tell that to Eliyahu - he's the one trying to split Jesus in half a la Nestorius and thus the one spouting the 'great error'
  20. D28guy

    D28guy New Member

    Nov 16, 2002
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    I have not read one post from anyone on here, Eliyahu or anyone else, who is "splitting Jesus in half".

    This "splitting Jesus in half" buisiness is just more loony mumbo jumbo from the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in order to invent a charge of (((heresy!!!))) against those who are exposing the errors and falsehoods of Catholic doctrine, and to divert attention from the problematic Catholic teachings.

    In other words, "when they bring up problems...PUT THEM ON THE DEFENSIVE as quickly as possible!! They'll become frustrated and hopefully go away."

    Nobody is "splitting Jesus in half", Matt.

    Grace and peace,
