New Member
I never realized until a few weeks ago how hated McCain is in conservative circles. People such as Limbaugh, Coulter, Beck, Dobson, and Hannity say they would vote for the Democrat before McCain, or not vote. The reasoning is that if McCain is elected, the Republicans will take the fall for the failed policies, and might as well get rid of the Democrats in one term.
I put no stock in entertainer's opinions. What do you think? Is McCain so bad you would vote for the Democrat? Or not vote? Or a third party?
It seems the Republicans have dug themselves into a hole over the last eight years, and have no idea how to get out. Its what happens when one compromises principles.
I put no stock in entertainer's opinions. What do you think? Is McCain so bad you would vote for the Democrat? Or not vote? Or a third party?
It seems the Republicans have dug themselves into a hole over the last eight years, and have no idea how to get out. Its what happens when one compromises principles.