I used to wonder how the anti-christ could be so persuasive as to bilk the world into basically giving him a blank check to rule the world. Seeing the extremely doting "love" for the current POTUS in spite of all his apparent (or so I thought anyway) lying, deceit, disregard for law, animosity for our country, etc. I can now see that the AC really won't have a problem.
Seems the populous is getting more & more dependent on gov't to be their nanny, and will blindly follow anybody who can talk one game but play a total nother, as long as there's Bud in the fridge and SI's swimsuit edition comes out as planned. Oh, and sex is OK in any form - certainly a prize "benefit". :tear:
MARANATHA!!!!!! (Quickly, please!):jesus:
Seems the populous is getting more & more dependent on gov't to be their nanny, and will blindly follow anybody who can talk one game but play a total nother, as long as there's Bud in the fridge and SI's swimsuit edition comes out as planned. Oh, and sex is OK in any form - certainly a prize "benefit". :tear:
MARANATHA!!!!!! (Quickly, please!):jesus: