Well-Known Member
I haven't confused anything. I responded to a statement that is completely untrue.The first is that you're confusing legal ownership of slaves with conditions.
.There is no way to defend this statment. It makes it sound as if slaves had it good while factory workers in the north had it much worse. It is pure nonsense. We know how slaves were treated. We know that such treatment was protected by state law.factory workers in the north worked in far harsher and more oppressive conditions than slaves ever did
They weren't slaves. Say what you want, but they could leave and seek another job if they wanted to. They could exercise their own God-given abilities to make their lives better. Slaves were prohibited by state law from doing that.Conditions among coal workers in areas of Pennsylvania and Ohio were horrific...
You have got to be kidding me! Do you really believe that? Man, you are swimming is a sea of delusion.While most slaves did not have an easy life, neither did these people and I think you'd be hard pressed to have found a miner or a garment worker who wouldn't have gladly traded places with slaves at some plantations, particularly Robert E. Lee's Arlington.
peace to you