This situation is rather simple:
Arminians will protect Open Theist's right to exist (at least) and call them "wrong" without attempting to completely remove them from all Theological discourse..They call them "wrong" without naming them as "heretics".
Calvinists...........couldn't care less whether Open Theists live or die..(This is an artistically-liscensed way of speaking, if you understand my metaphors).
Open Theists are now asking that Arminians accept them into their camp as wholesale brethren, and BOTH Calvinists AND Arminians are saying NO, HECK NO........
Look, O.Theists, you have existed under a sort of Umbrella of Theological Protection provided by Arminians, but we (as Benjamin so Brilliantlly stated) don't want you "sleeping in our tent" because you "ate too many beans"...
I have (personally) been on VERY few threads (about Soteriological topics) wherein Myself, Benjamin and Icon, are in a "group-hug" of agreement.... :1_grouphug:
If There is a :1_grouphug: <----------On a "Soteriological" topic between Ben, HoS, and Icon...........then maybe you need to re-think something...........
You are asking too much:
Arminianism provides a label of respectability which provides a level of "protection"..........from utter obscurity.
Calvinism does too
NEITHER position thinks "Open Theism" is a legit position
Calvinists usually think you are simply apostate heretics
Arminians will (at least) let you speak and defend yourselves...
If you are posing a thread which asks "Arminians" to accept that you are "In their camp" than.....other than Olson........Ask enough Arminians whether they WANT you there.
Other than Olson.......They don't.
If you aren't careful........You are going to cut off your nose to spite your face.
Arminians are the best friends you have: My advice would be NOT to TICK them off.......because our Cal brethren would LOVE to see you go down in flames.........And we won't protect you if it comes to that....
You are not an Arminian,
You are an Open Theist,
You are on your own.