I was raised in a P & B culture and it saddens me and I am sorry to say I still have family members who are still guilty of this. I spent the early years (mid 50's to the mid 60's) of my life in the Carolinas and the deep south and have witnessed first hand elderly black women get off the side walk and stand in the street until a white passed. I worked in one of the leading dept. stores on the East Coast when a black person could not try on a pair of shoes before they purchased them, Not only did this have an affect on me seeing the wrong of this, but after Christ coming into my life I felt I could not behave or believe in this manner and be a good disciple. I have a Christian Brother who openly states and thinks that he superior to all non whites merely because he is white. Recently this has begun to bother me even to the extent of severing my relationship with him because of his negativity even though he is a friend on mine and a fellow church member. Have any of you brothers experienced any thing of this nature?