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Eric B said:Still, the simplest exegesis of scripture is a symbolic one. In order to uphold this "real presence" doctrine, you have to do all sorts of logical wrangling, and pick up a piece of bread or vial of juice and say "this looks like regular food, and is physically no different than the bread or juice that had been on the shelf next to it when purchased, but there is something else here that you can't see". Yet this is not articulated in the text of scripture, but we see the interpretation slowly become more articulated over the centuries afterward.
I have been mentioning a logical principle called "Occam's Razor". I have always held this principle, but did not know the name of it when debating this stuff before my year long break (I had seen the name in science books, but did not retain what it was). I learned the name in other online technical theory discussions this past year, and it came in handy for this debate.
This states that in cases like this when we cannot see point 0, and we have to basically reconstruct the history leading from 0 to the present, we should assume the simplest explanation of the data we have. And that is that the doctrine deveopled. You only say that "it was a fully formed interpretation that the apostles handed orally only, but then the ECF's began writing more and more about it", because you choose to follow a certain church body, and IT tells you this; having concocted it to justify their practices and authority that are not quite articulated in scripture. I'm sorry, but with that same principle, this looks too fishy. Of course, men will concoct anything to justify themselves. And then they tell you "by faith", and "the Church is an object of faith" to top it off. As it is, the world we are supposed to witness to thinks we will "believe the sun is a big chocolate square if we are told to believe that", and it's hard enough to get them to believe in God or the supernatural, (which they liken as being as unprovable as a "flying spaghetti monster" or "pink unicorn" or "purple martian ice cream truck"), so we do not need to add all this stuff that's not even expounded in scripture.
Sorry, but I do not see any reason to trust those men.
How do you verify the validity of any historical document?