There are 12 Apostles. The term "Twelve Apostles" is used many times in the Scriptures. One of the most important verses is here.Thinkingstuff said:No one is debating with you whether the "signs and wonders" are evidence that the 12 were apostles. What is being question whether these same "signs and wonders" are soley the Apostles. No not all are apostles ( I personally don't believe there will be more Apostles) but it isn't stating the opposit either which is there are no more apostles. You infer it but it isn't stated. And your inference is based on how you exposit the scriptures which is based on your theological bias. And the reason not everyone has all the gifts is to force community. We need each other.
Revelation 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
Whose names will be written on the foundations of the New Jerusalem? There will only be 12! Whose will they be? There are only 12 apostles. It was to those 12 that the signs and wonders were given to authenticate their apostleship and their message. They were also given to Paul "as one born out of due time," and "an apostle to the Gentiles." The only apostolic succession was when Matthias replaced Judas Iscariot who betrayed the Lord. The basic requirement for an apostle was one that had to be witness of the resurrection, none who are living today meet that requirement. Of course they had to be a follower of Christ and a believer as well.
There are only 12 apostles, and these signs and wonders, collectively, were given to them to authenticate their ministry.
Are you going to deny the Scripture when it says:
2 Corinthians 12:12 Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.
The meaning is plain.