Jesus has only One church....
Where it it?
Well, we can't have it both ways. If there's only one church, then we can't have both a universal church and a local church.
Here's Ephesians 4:4-5
4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
The question is, if there's only one body, what kind of body is it. The answer seems to me to be obvious. It is the kind we can see. It is the kind we attend; where we worship, fellowship, do Bible Study. It is the kind where we assemble.
In I Corinthians 12, Paul described the congregation at Corinth as THE BODY of Christ, and the people who assembled there as members in particular (12:27)
When Paul speaks of the body in Ephesians 4, does he mean one body or one kind of body? He also talks about one baptism--one kind of baptism. Not just a single occurrence of baptism.
Dr. Herschael York, Professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary writes about this:
The baptism of which he writes is the immersion of a believer, just as the body which he mentions is single in kind also. Corinth had that one kind of a body as did Antioch, Philippi, Thessalonica, or Rome. Those who persist in denying the local body create an arithmetic problem. They would have two baptisms and two bodies. One baptism, by the Holy Spirit, places them in the universal church, and water baptism makes them a member of a local church. Obviously that is contrary to Ephesians 4:4-5, the very passage they illogically use as a proof text.
So, what about I Corinthians 12:13?
For by one Spirit we are all baptized into the body.
The popular view holds that it is the Holy Spirit who baptizes us into the body (the universal church)
But wait. The same Paul who wrote that also said there's only one kind of baptism. Dr. York asks, if it is baptism BY the Spirit, what is the point of water baptism? A second kind of baptism.
Now consider these scriptures:
Matthew 3:11 John the Baptist said the one who comes after him will baptize IN the Holy Spirit. Not BY.
Acts 1:5, Jesus says For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized WITH the Holy Ghost not many days.
Dr. York says this is Jesus' way of putting his stamp of approve on the church---which by the way, he established during his ministry, well before Pentecost.
his passage means that being in or under the power of the Holy Spirit we were all brought by the Lord to water baptism, and thus were made mambers of His body, the local church. Thus, baptism is the ceremonial door to the church.
So, it is clear that in I Cor 12:13 the Greek
en should be translated
in one Spirit, not
by one Spirit. That under the power of the Holy Spirit we were all brought by the Lord to baptism, and thus were made members of His body (in this case, FBC Corinth). So water baptism into the local church is in view, and so it is with every similar kind of body.
To sum up, Ephesians 4:4-5 clearly says you can't have two kinds of bodies or two kinds of baptisms.