Lincoln's actions also birthed the 14th Amendment, which has spawned all of the fake "rights" given to a whole host of groups. That amendment alone has done great damage to the nation.
Lincoln and the Union got it horribly, horribly wrong and we are paying for it today.
The original Constitution, the Declaration and the Bible all do not outlaw slavery. Lincoln chose to listen to the radical abolitionists and chose to end slavery via massive amounts of bloodshed on our soil. Had Lincoln listened to the less radical and moderate abolitionists slavery would have ended on its own as mechanization increased without so many lives lost just as it did in all other Western nations.
Anyone in support of the War of Northern Aggression must also be in favor of war over abortion if you're going to be consistent. The killing of 60 million babies is a far worse offense than slavery of 4 million people. Slavery is not a sin in the Bible, murder is. And if war was worth it over slavery then war is worth it over 60 million babies.
My county in the mountains of the upland south did NOT want to secede in the first North Carolina vote. We did not vote to secede until after Lincoln told North Carolina to invade our kin state in South Carolina. God Bless the southrons who died in that evil war. We have family cemeteries all over the ridgetops in my community and every year descendants clean those graves and polish those Southern Crosses of Honor for the bravery and loyalty our ancestors displayed.