I just took a look at her translation of Col. 1 with the Amazon preview function, and her translation is quite unfaithful to the original. She has "fellow believer" for adelfoV (brother) in v. 1, "trustworthy" for pistoiV (faithful) v. 2, "what's stored away" for elpida (hope) in v. 5 (that one is totally off the wall), etc. ad nauseum.
The problem is that a translator who does not believe in the verbal inspiration of the Bible is going to take unwarrented liberties with God's Word and translate it according to his or her own prejudices. This woman obviously fits that description, and furthermore has her own un-Christian agenda. No way in the world would I trust anything she translated.
The problem is that a translator who does not believe in the verbal inspiration of the Bible is going to take unwarrented liberties with God's Word and translate it according to his or her own prejudices. This woman obviously fits that description, and furthermore has her own un-Christian agenda. No way in the world would I trust anything she translated.