At the risk of ending up on an FBI watch list, I would point out the following fact just as a “point of information” for consideration:
Were the government to become “tyrannical” and I to join a civilian militia seeking to exercise our Second Amendment protection …
- With an AK47 Assault rifle (technically a carbine), I might kill hundreds (optimistically on a ‘good day’ of attacking the government).
- As the son of a chemist and grandson of a chemist (who got an A in High School Chemistry), and an Architect who took all of those “Structural Engineering” courses in College, I could destroy a building and kill thousands while being miles away and planning the next attack.
My point is not that I am particularly dangerous. My point is what every “terrorist” already knows … there are weapons more dangerous than guns available to us every day. Power does flow from the people to the government and not the other way.