Well-Known Member
I read the position paper from the think tank that ran US foreign policy under the Bush presidents. “Need” is the critical issue.I might be considered a "Hawk" but that does NOT mean I believe in War!
I believe we should fight when we need to!
- Do we need US Soldiers dying (to preserve our nation) in:
- Iran
- Iraq
- Syria
- Kuwait
- Afghanistan
What is the Constitutional mandate for the US Armed Forces?
What is the vision for the US Armed forces aboard?
China is violating U.S. airspace … is that not more important for the US people and military than what other nations are doing to each other?
The southern border of the US is being overrun by Drug Cartel members bringing death and crime to US cities … is that not more important for the US people and military than what other nations are doing to each other?
I am not opposed to a strong military, I am opposed to the spending of US lives in unworthy causes.