:thumbsup::thumbsup::wavey: Agreed:
It makes charming "Hell-fire" preaching as Michael earlier observed, but people seriously fail to understand how rampant sin has been in EVERY culture and in every time. Different ones at different times. Even the idealized Victorian Age and the Puritan era and the supposedly impeccable 1950's were rife with sins.
History does nothing to encourage that assumption.
What I WOULD say though in supporting the O.P. is that the U.S. doesn't "hide" it's sins like we did in the past.
There is a certain arrogance, and a complete lack of the fear of God in that we plaster it everywhere instead of at least keeping up a façade of righteousness. We now have a "whore's forehead...we refuse to be ashamed".
But, I have to recall the practice of the Spartans to leave unwanted infants to die of exposure, the widespread practice and acceptance of pederasty in ancient Rome, the ancient Assyrians pre-dilection for physical violence, cruelty and incessant war-fare has arguably NEVER been matched either before or afterwards by any culture. (Excepting, perhaps the ante-diluvian age, where God points to that specifically as a cause for the flood).
In the 19th Century, drunkenness and spousal abuse in the U.S. existed on a truly catastrophic level.
I don't remember the statistic precisely, so my number is going to be off, but I once saw a History channel program which said that in the first half of the 19th century AT LEAST half of all men (and I believe it was far more) in New York City had admitted to consorting with prostitutes.
We need to continue to bring the gospel and speak to the sins of our generation which are manifold, but there is NOTHING NEW under the Sun.
That is an excellent description of the current condition of our nation.