I think being well rounded is key. Perhaps at times I am not and at times I just want to open air against some… Perhaps a good reason to listen to other podcasts and read other books which I am trying to do, however as of late 95% of my podcasts have been with Todd and Way of the Master.
IMO, the bold is the heart of the matter.
I'm not a preacher, yet at times I want to climb on the largest soapbox that I can find to rant and rail against so much of what's going on in this world today.
IMO, for the most part, that won't accomplish anything that would bring glory to God. Unless it is an "accomplishment" to drive the lost further from our Creator. Unless it is an "accomplishment" to just let off some steam. It's far better to let off that steam by cutting grass, swinging an axe, or anything else that causes beneficial destruction on something other than human beings.
Isn't our commission whether layman or "titled" position in the church, to take the Gospel to the lost? Each, in our own way,
as God directs us, to share/preach the Good News. Using the pants issue as an example, because there are people who hold strong opinions on both sides. Isn't it better to HELP bring a lost woman to Christ first and foremost?
Give her time for the Holy Spirit to bring about conviction. Then, if you are opposed to pants on women to discuss it with her. PROVIDING the church you attend, has taken that position, as well. If you have that strong conviction and your church doesn't, the issue isn't between you and the woman. It's between you and your church. And, your decision to make about finding one that does agree with you. There are ways to address to divisions within the church, ways to bring the lost to Christ, and for those who have strayed. These are not always the same and it is our responsibility to keep them separate, in accordance with the scriptures.
I may be wrong, but I can't see a street corner preacher doing anything except seeking the lost to bring them into the flock. There are other venues for other aspects under this umbrella called "Christians".
In closing, why do you need to spend so much time with podcasts, books and such? Aren't you well steeped by now in those who share your viewpoints? Isn't it time to just pick up your Bible, and preach as the Lord leads you? Isn't it time to turn loose from the hands of other men and grasp His Hand to bring forth His message?
PS: The reason why I'm asking these questions of you is that yesterday, for only the second time in my life, I led a Bible study at my church. It was time for me to get off my duff and put my
excuses behind me. Only you and Our Lord knows whether it's that time for you.