So, Jack, how many of those refutations of quote mining did you read? Do you now agree with me that it is dispicable for folks to lie in the name of God about what scientists have said trying to advance their own agenda?
"Just because one claims to be of the Christian religion, that doesn't make them Christian."
So you are now the judge of someone's salvation? I did not know that you were God! I thought you were Jack.
I think we are warned against such actions...
"As for the laws of science, we have this..."
And you ignore my reasoning.
Can you please, pretty please, show me some things in biology that you think should be laws? Do you know of anything in biology that happens with such regularity and repeatability that it never varies and could therefore be called a law.
Let's start with something basic, like determining if something is even alive or not. Try and find consensus on whether a virus is a form of life. Or nanobacteria. How about a prion.
"And that is why the theory of evolution is still classified as a theory and not a Law. Yet it is still taught as fact without allowing any other theory to be introduced. Why is that might I ask?"
That evolution happens is considered scientific fact. I think that is one thing that could conceivably be considered a law. It is on par with the fact / law of gravitation. But like gravity, we are still working out just how that occurs. I'd dare say that we know more about how evolution works than gravity.
"'No ability' you say? I might suggest that you read 'Darwins Black Box', or perhaps any of the many books by A.E. Wilder-Smith. And there are hundreds of other credible scientific rebuttals to that half-baked theory of evolution."
Have you read Darwin's Black Box? Did you notice where, right at the very beginning, Behe says that he accepts common descent, including that of humans and the other apes? Maybe you missed that part.
The works you mention may parade themselves as authoritive rebuttals, but they are not such. They refuse to even put their work up for peer review. The IC claims of folks like Behe have been shown repeatedly to not really be IC. His famous flagellum has versions that operate with fewrer parts than his IC version and most of those parts have other uses. Some of the most important parts first evolved as part of the type three secretory system.
"The theory of evolution contradicts already established Laws of science such as the Law of Probability..."
Yeah, I'd like to see that shown. Most attempts fail by making these unrealistic calculations in which something really complex is shown to be unlikely to pop into existance randomly. It is a good thing that this is not how evolution claims to work.
"...and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics."
That should really be the one that gets the laugh graemlin.
Have you taken any thermo classes? I have taken a couple. Let's see how my thermo textbook defines the second law. (Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Smith and Van Ness 4th Edition 1987)
Even better, please give me one hypothetical step in the evolution of man from his last common ancestor with the other apes that is prevented by 2LOT. Please be precise. Show your math. And document you ideas back to thermo texts and other similar material.
"And all of your examples of evolution are examples of micro-evolution. What I am looking for, like all evolutionists as well, is an example of macro-evolution. You know, a dog becomes a cat. An ape becomes a man, etc. Not a man develops more red corpuscles so that he can carry more oxygen in his system, or a bug that develops a taste for a man made substance."
Moving the goal posts I see. Another traditional YE tactic.
I can give you modern examples that show evolution in progress. I can give you modern speciation events. I can give you genetic processes like duplication and mutation, exon shuffling, recombination, promoter shuffling, etc. I can show you physical processes like migration, natural selection, gene flow and sexual selection. I can show you new and useful genes. I can show you new metabolic pathways. I can show you all of the processes by which evolution happens going on in the real world.
So now you move the goal posts. That is not good enough for you. New species are not enough. You want things that not even predicted by evolution such as "a dog becomes a cat." I think you mean you want to see more dramatic transitions. This is where I drag out the fossil record. Look in my post above for a good example of a transition; the detailing of the fossils in the transitional series between reptiles and mammals.
Now these things take along time. It is several million years ago to trace back to the last common ancestor between humans and chimps. There is very little physical difference there, yet it is much, much longer than the change you can expect to see within a human lifetime or even within human history.
But the fossil record does an amazing job of detailing these major changes. The even more amazing thing is how the genetic record backs the fossil record up.
You are probably not aware, but the fossil record shows that whales evolved from the same land dwelling ancestor as the pigs and deer and camels and other even toed hooved animals. You are even less likely to know that genetic testing shows whales to be very closely related to these same animals. You might know that whales have rear legs during development that are absorbed before birth. And you might even know that occasionally whales are born with formed rear legs. You likely do not know that whales carry the full set of genes for a sense of smell that only land dwelling animals have and none of the genes that other marine life possess.
The fossil record shows that dinosaurs, including birds, and crocodiles both evolved from the archosaur branch or reptiles. Genetic testing shows birds and crocodiles to be closely related.
The fossil record shows that horses and rhinos evolved from the same generalized browsing animal. The genetic record confirms their close relationship.
This can be repeated over and over and over. The fossil record shows a rich history of transition, the kind of transitions that someone has apperently misled you about and told you that they do not exist. The genetic record has a wonderful ability to confirm these changes. Even thins as unlikely seeming as a whale and a camel as being closely related.
"Just because one claims to be of the Christian religion, that doesn't make them Christian."
So you are now the judge of someone's salvation? I did not know that you were God! I thought you were Jack.
I think we are warned against such actions...
"As for the laws of science, we have this..."
And you ignore my reasoning.
Can you please, pretty please, show me some things in biology that you think should be laws? Do you know of anything in biology that happens with such regularity and repeatability that it never varies and could therefore be called a law.
Let's start with something basic, like determining if something is even alive or not. Try and find consensus on whether a virus is a form of life. Or nanobacteria. How about a prion.
"And that is why the theory of evolution is still classified as a theory and not a Law. Yet it is still taught as fact without allowing any other theory to be introduced. Why is that might I ask?"
That evolution happens is considered scientific fact. I think that is one thing that could conceivably be considered a law. It is on par with the fact / law of gravitation. But like gravity, we are still working out just how that occurs. I'd dare say that we know more about how evolution works than gravity.
"'No ability' you say? I might suggest that you read 'Darwins Black Box', or perhaps any of the many books by A.E. Wilder-Smith. And there are hundreds of other credible scientific rebuttals to that half-baked theory of evolution."
Have you read Darwin's Black Box? Did you notice where, right at the very beginning, Behe says that he accepts common descent, including that of humans and the other apes? Maybe you missed that part.
The works you mention may parade themselves as authoritive rebuttals, but they are not such. They refuse to even put their work up for peer review. The IC claims of folks like Behe have been shown repeatedly to not really be IC. His famous flagellum has versions that operate with fewrer parts than his IC version and most of those parts have other uses. Some of the most important parts first evolved as part of the type three secretory system.
"The theory of evolution contradicts already established Laws of science such as the Law of Probability..."

"...and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics."
That should really be the one that gets the laugh graemlin.
Have you taken any thermo classes? I have taken a couple. Let's see how my thermo textbook defines the second law. (Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Smith and Van Ness 4th Edition 1987)
No apparatus can operate in such a way that its only effect is to convert heat absorbed by a system completely into work.
No process is possible which consists solely in the transfer of heat from one temperature level to a higher one.
Here is how it discusses the disorder part.It is impossible by a cyclic process to convert the heat absorbed by a system completely into work.
For completeness, let's use the description of physicists Richard Feynman, one of the greatest physicists of the last century.From a microscopic point of view we therefore associate an increase in entropy with an increase in randomness or a decrease in order at the molecular level.
Now, please tell me just how the inability of heat to flow from cool areas to warm areas spontaneously prevents evolution. Please give me your mathematical analysis of entropy and evolution that tells us just what the problem is. Show your work.So we now have to talk about what we mean by disorder and what we mean by order. ... Suppose we divide the space into little volume elements. If we have black and white molecules, how many ways could we distribute them among the volume elements so that white is on one side and black is on the other? On the other hand, how many ways could we distribute them with no restriction on which goes where? Clearly, there are many more ways to arrange them in the latter case. We measure "disorder" by the number of ways that the insides can be arranged, so that from the outside it looks the same. The logarithm of that number of ways is the entropy. The number of ways in the separated case is less, so the entropy is less, or the "disorder" is less.
Even better, please give me one hypothetical step in the evolution of man from his last common ancestor with the other apes that is prevented by 2LOT. Please be precise. Show your math. And document you ideas back to thermo texts and other similar material.
"And all of your examples of evolution are examples of micro-evolution. What I am looking for, like all evolutionists as well, is an example of macro-evolution. You know, a dog becomes a cat. An ape becomes a man, etc. Not a man develops more red corpuscles so that he can carry more oxygen in his system, or a bug that develops a taste for a man made substance."
Moving the goal posts I see. Another traditional YE tactic.
I can give you modern examples that show evolution in progress. I can give you modern speciation events. I can give you genetic processes like duplication and mutation, exon shuffling, recombination, promoter shuffling, etc. I can show you physical processes like migration, natural selection, gene flow and sexual selection. I can show you new and useful genes. I can show you new metabolic pathways. I can show you all of the processes by which evolution happens going on in the real world.
So now you move the goal posts. That is not good enough for you. New species are not enough. You want things that not even predicted by evolution such as "a dog becomes a cat." I think you mean you want to see more dramatic transitions. This is where I drag out the fossil record. Look in my post above for a good example of a transition; the detailing of the fossils in the transitional series between reptiles and mammals.
Now these things take along time. It is several million years ago to trace back to the last common ancestor between humans and chimps. There is very little physical difference there, yet it is much, much longer than the change you can expect to see within a human lifetime or even within human history.
But the fossil record does an amazing job of detailing these major changes. The even more amazing thing is how the genetic record backs the fossil record up.
You are probably not aware, but the fossil record shows that whales evolved from the same land dwelling ancestor as the pigs and deer and camels and other even toed hooved animals. You are even less likely to know that genetic testing shows whales to be very closely related to these same animals. You might know that whales have rear legs during development that are absorbed before birth. And you might even know that occasionally whales are born with formed rear legs. You likely do not know that whales carry the full set of genes for a sense of smell that only land dwelling animals have and none of the genes that other marine life possess.
The fossil record shows that dinosaurs, including birds, and crocodiles both evolved from the archosaur branch or reptiles. Genetic testing shows birds and crocodiles to be closely related.
The fossil record shows that horses and rhinos evolved from the same generalized browsing animal. The genetic record confirms their close relationship.
This can be repeated over and over and over. The fossil record shows a rich history of transition, the kind of transitions that someone has apperently misled you about and told you that they do not exist. The genetic record has a wonderful ability to confirm these changes. Even thins as unlikely seeming as a whale and a camel as being closely related.