One of the most glaring problems, IMHO, is that satan has almost totally destroyed the family relationship.
He has conned a bunch of (mostly) women into screaming bloody murder at the mention of "SUBMISSION" without even knowing the meaning of the word OR the context.
Yes, it has been misused by those %%# men who claim it simply for the authority it denotes, but rather than getting the true meaning out, the feminists have denigrated the whole concept.
I agree with Scarlett:
He loves her more than his own body and does whatever it takes to make her life meaningful.
Although I don't think the feminist would even accept this as a prelude to the "dreaded" submission.
satan has done a masterful job in emasculating the image of the father, husband, brother, or any other male that does not yield to the feminist's demands of what a man should be. Witness the character of ALL fathers, husbands etc in modern commercials; they are depicted as nothing but bumbling oafs or a blob of beer-gut fat with the mentality of a 10 year old, or some such demeaning scenario. Any role of a male is childish, boorish, stupid or simply irrelavent in most ads, AND, from the little I've seen of them, most sit-coms.
Also the lack of responsibility that the Gloria Stienems of the world have instilled in the judicial system, in the name of freeing the female from her "submission" to men, has made the women bear a greater burden of the divorce culture.
Add to all this the convience of "after-the-fact" birth control, and the attendent problems that follow, and you have another burden added to the "emancipated" female.
Basically if folks would just read and follow the "MANFUCATURE'S HANDBOOK" for humans, most of these problems would be non-existant.
So satan has made a two prong main attack on the family, yes he has even made a three prong attack.
1 Destroy discipline in raising children (Dr. Spock)
2 Emancipate the female and make her envious of the fact that God designated MAN as the head of families
3 Assure that the man is emasculated as the female gets bolder.
As can be seen in society, his attacks have been very productive for his cause.