One of the strongest desires to talk about the GAY MARRIAGE DEBATE, is because I’m not finding much written on this subject from the conservative side being able to adequately defend their side. I’m finding their main focus being SCRIPTURE…that is great for the one who knows God and understands God’s word….but for most, they don’t care what Gods word says, "for man wrote it" so who cares?...So let’s attack this subject in a more objective way, covering all sides. (well, mainly the conservative side as I don’t have enough space or time) Again, I’m all about BALANCE and TRUTH. I’m going to start off with something I said to myself 25 years ago.....
I said in my heart, head and others I'm sure….”IF HOMOSEXUALITY IS EVER CONDONED IN AMERICA WHAT NEXT?... THE PEDOPHILE CAN ALSO SAY HE TOO CAN’T HELP HIS FEELINGS OF LOVE….HE WAS BORN THAT WAY” and “LOVE IS ALL THAT MATTERS RIGHT? predication came TRUE 20 something years later…when a show LAW and ORDER in 2009 and 2010, actually did 2 episodes that echoed exactly what I had predicted years prior…hence a very early understanding of a possible “SLIPPERY SLOPE”…
Firstly let me say something that is really important…THE CHURCH cannot mandate MORALITY to the world, only God can do that, and He does it individually through each person’s heart as they seek truth. The church is NOT called to JUDGE the world, but to LOVE it!....That is what Jesus said and did…like I said before many times, as one DRAWS CLOSER TO GOD, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to do His work in changing their mind and heart to match His will and desire. My job is to help that person in whatever state they are in draw closer to God, using firm boundaries, accountability, truth, acceptance, love, respect….NOT BY JUDGING THEM. But my LOVE FOR GOD should always supersede my love for man and his laws. Therefore while I think same sex couples should be treated with respect and should have certain rights that would be given to anyone else living together…from what I understand they are given many rights already, not like they have NONE...I understand many of the gay rights reasons for gay marriage and they make sense. Problem is they make it sound like it is something simple and harmless. They (principalities and evil forces EPH 6:12) want everyone to believe their LIE. The TRUTH is if gay marriage passes, it will change our SOCIETY as we know it…below are 3 things to consider and is WHY I AM AGAINST GAY MARRIAGE….BUT NOT GAYS as people.
1) Like I said earlier, redefining MARRIAGE is a slippery slope to opening up doors for POLYGAMY, POLYAMORY, PEDOPHILES (all they have to is claim they can’t help being in love with children, they were born that way) people wanting to marry their car (google it) their dog or horse (google it) and God knows what else some pervert could come up with. Feelings should never dictate over common sense and the WHOLE OF SOCIETIES WELL BEING. Look at the big picture…please!...Think about it, who would have thought that one day it would be ok to KILL A BABY IN A MOTHERS WOMB? Come on, we all know we can JUSTIFY anything if we really want to and if it is preached enough we will believe it….hey, make it funny and now you got me.
2) God established 3 institutions…MARRIAGE…GOVERNMENT….THE CHURCH. The bible says, “WHAT GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER LET NO MAN DEPART…Many see this only in marriage terms, but I see it to also mean…anything God has established including His word. God made man and woman in HIS IMAGE, both male and female He made them….and all the animals as well. He made them all to FIT PERFECTLY TOGETHER, not only physically but in other ways as well….it was the “FALL OF MAN’’…that screwed it all up after that; to say otherwise is to SLAP a HOLY GOD IN HIS FACE….telling Him that He didn’t know what he was doing, that man knows better. Wow that is a pretty bold statement that will have judgmental consequences later…PRIDE the fall of Satan and mankind. Anyway, point being…God instituted marriage to be between a man and woman only. Read the book of Geneses for all the verses.
3) Gay Marriage will affect RELIGIOUS FREEDOMS….Since I’m not really up on all that, there is a link provided below that explains it. I do see how it could easily be another slippery slope of Government controlling what the church can say or do, if not lawsuits and other ramification will follow in the guise of HATE and DISCRIMINATION….OH, if only the STRAIGHT community knew how much INTOLERANCE and DISCRIMINATION is with the gay community…BI SEXUALS are actually hated, labeled, unfairly judged, and discriminated due to many misconceptions, anyway point being they FIGHT AMONG their own community and yet they act like they are different than the straight community or Christians. We are all human so no one is exempt from begin judged or judging others…it is what it is.
So putting JUDGING and HATE aside…What is in the best interest of maintaining that which is SACRED, God’s WORD, our SOCIETY, our CHILDREN'S future, separation of CHURCH and STATE???...that is what this all should boil down to.
What appears to bothering even the liberals on the Supreme Court deciding the case of ca gay marriage law is they cannot see what would prevent someone from petitioning the Court in the future to be allowed to marry own daughter, son, have pologmy etc!
IF they decide to have marriage NOT official defined as between man and woman, even they realise its anything goes!