See, the Baptist - or Bible or whatever label doesn't mean much today anymore. You need to call and ask or look at their website. Had you called us, my husband would have explained our church to you and also given you the other churches in the area he recommends as Bible teaching churches. You see, he knows the others because the pastors get together monthly for encouragement, teaching and prayer so he knows that Jim over at that church is Biblically solid and his church is a little more traditional or Scott is Biblically solid as well but he's a bit more contemporary. You'd have gotten off the phone not only knowing about us but probably 5 other churches for you to check out.
Well.....Ive been in sales since I was 16 yrs old & I know that perception is in Roman Catholic New Jersey, if you said Southern Baptist, youd be like a snow ball trying to survive in Miami. But it could work the other way......frankly I dont want to talk to a Pastor, Id rather find out information thru the Internet, through friends & MY connections. Kinda like going to look for a car.....yea I must speak to that pest of a salesguy hovering over me....but not till Ive got my ducks in a row.
If Im serious about my salvation, Ive already decerned that Baptists are not spawns of the fact the Bible only shows believers baptism to be the real deal. So now, guess what.....Im ripping through the Google search hunting out Baptist Churches (1st & foremost)..... not those kooky Presbyterians & forget those Episcopals fruits. LOL
Look I know your convinced but this is exactly what I did....I wasnt even considering anything else. Now If I was really interested, yea Id call....or if I was curious, then I might call......but if I went on line & typed in Baptist & got a clear statement of faith, a sampling of a sermon, some other directives that were open & forthcoming, then I would be much more inclined to proceed further.
Here is a hint though, in calendars, if you display them, have some activities other than church at 11AM & Bible Study on Wed @ 730 PM. Your broadcasting that you dont have much going on besides those two activities.....big turnoff!